Feature Request: the ability to increase font sizes in 1Password for Mac [Under consideration]

Community Member
edited December 2014 in Mac

I am a low-vision user who uses Accessibility Zoom on my iMac. The font in the information window for each item are hard to see even when magnified 6 or 8 times. Please consider addition of BOLD to system font and please add a choice of font sizes. Could you simply have NORMAL, LARGE, LARGER? This is not an issue on iPhone or iPad since system font is larger for magnification. Thanks so much for looking into this for me...Arthur


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Arthur ( @ArthurNieder‌ ),

    I apologize that 1Password is difficult to view on your Mac. We do have an existing request in our internal tracker for more options with respect to font size, and I'm happy to add your thoughts to the request there.

    Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention. :)

    ref: OPM-1715

  • MartyS
    Community Member

    On a slight tangent, just today I wished again that 1Password 4 for Mac had an option to magnify a (password) value. Perhaps the Copy overlay button can be extended to add a Magnify option, where Magnify puts the value into a popped-out oval (or other pleasing UI) for easy delineation from other values and text. With @ArthurNieder‌'s idea, Magnify should use the LARGER size.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MartyS,

    Thanks for adding your thoughts here! You're not the first to suggest such a feature, so I've added your vote to the existing request in our issue tracker. :)

    ref: OPM-1149

  • GeniusRedacted
    Community Member

    Please add my vote for this. - The people who I have convinced to give 1Password a chance cite the lack of a larger font option as a reason that they have me manage their 1Password setup. :neutral_face:

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GeniusRedacted‌

    Your vote has been added. :)

  • jayk
    Community Member

    Sure would be great if users could increase the size of fonts. Even with glasses, the font appears small and difficult to read. Thanks.

  • eduardo
    Community Member

    I am in the same boat as Arthur - my vision is not so good.

    I think MartyS's idea of adding another dropdown selection (copy, reveal, magnify) would make my passwords so much easier to see.

    Thanks for such an awesome app!!!

  • Hi @eduardo,

    Thanks, I've added your vote.

    We've gotten a lot of requests for the Large Type feature made popular by Alfred and it would also be very useful on the mobile devices as well.

  • Hi, @jayk. Thanks for the suggestion! Just to clarify, which version of 1Password (Mac, Windows, iOS, or Android) are you using?

  • _udo_
    Community Member

    I am in the same boat. The font size is much to small fro me to read without strain. So please add a feature to be able to make it larger.
    However, rather than change the font sizes, leave them as they are, they are quite nice. Just add a feature to scale the whole window by a few settable ratios, such as 1.3, 1.6, and 2.0 (or provide a slider to adjust the enlargement) . But please do *NOT use pixel doubling, do a proper at the screen resolution.

    Please do it soon.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


    We'll see what we can do.

  • jayk
    Community Member

    1Password 5 for Mac. Thanks for listening. Still my number one issue! Seems like there would be plenty of room!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jayk,

    I've merged your request with an existing discussion - you're not the first person to make this request, and we've added your vote to the existing issue in our internal tracker.

    ref: OPM-1149

This discussion has been closed.