Safari can not load 1password extension

Community Member

I am using the current version of MacOS with the latest Safari version. After downloading the 1password extension, I get a window saying that Safari can't load it. Quiting and restarting the computer yields the same results. Anying suggestions?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Ernestbc,

    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble getting the 1Password extension installed in Safari. We might need to remove your extensions folder and let Safari generate a fresh one. Please note that this will require you to reinstall all of your extensions. Let's try this:

    • Quit Safari
    • Open a Finder window and select Go > Go to Folder
    • Paste the following in (including the ~)


    • Delete the 'Extensions' folder
    • Restart Safari
    • This will regenerate that folder, and you should now be able to install your extensions, including the 1Password extension from the extension download page

    I hope this gets you all sorted out, but we're here if you have any further questions or concerns! :)

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