Unable to "connect" using Safari
Been using 1PW for months without a problem. Now, after putting in a password and clicking the Master password button it turns into a message saying "Connecting" and counts seconds instead of giving me the list of sites.
It is unusable on Safari, but works on Firefox. Not sure, but I think Safari recently updated, I am using 7.0.6
PS 1Pw is version 4.4.1
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Hi @davidkk,
It sounds like you may still have the old version 3 browser extension installed. You will need the version 4 browser extension if you're using 1Password 4.
First, please uninstall any existing 1Password extensions from your browser. If you've used the version 3 extension and saved new logins in it that are not present in the main app, please follow these instructions: https://guides.agilebits.com/knowledgebase/1password4/en/topic/1password-4-osx-uninstall-1password-3-browser-extensions
Then, download and install the new extension from here: https://agilebits.com/browsers/index.html
Please let me know if that helps. :)