Auto master password for browsers

Pet peeve of mine in Version 4.

I'll login to my mac, use it for several hours. Go to a website where I need a password and get hit with a master password request.

Version 3 made this unnecessary. Why the heck did it come back?


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    If you look in the Security tab in 1Password's preferences, you can set controls for how often and under what circumstances you will be asked for the master password. You will always be asked for it after restarting your computer, as a security precaution, though.

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    The reason it was not needed in 1PW 3 is that the master password could be stored in the user keychain.

    For a number of reasons, AgileBits decided that this was not a good idea. The reasons have been discussed in other threads, but one was that they felt that it made it less likely that a user would remember their master password, and so might lose all access to the database if the keychain got corrupted..

    As hawmoth says, 1PW 4 can be set so that the password is needed on first use after logging in (or coming back after fast user switching, I think) but only then.

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