Permanently delete only SOME logins [Workaround: Use Multiple Vaults for an Archive Vault]

Community Member
edited August 2014 in Mac

I have some logins that are no longer active, so I've put them in the trash. I like to leave old logins in the trash for a while, just in case. As far as I can see, there is no way to permanently delete only SOME of the trashed logins. Is that correct?

Am I also correct that there is no way to tell 1P to NOT present logins in the trash when I do a search? Since I can't delete only some trashed logins and search turns up all matching logins in the trash, when I search for certain logins I get a bunch of old, useless ones as well.

Is there a good workaround here?


  • Lamplighter
    Community Member

    Regarding inactive logins: How about creating your own new (INACTIVE) folder, instead of using 1P4's TRASH folder ?

    Regarding your searches: How about editing the name BEFORE you put it in the trash ?
    ... you can still retrieve it if necessary and edit the name back to whatever you want.
    e.g., something along the lines of: (MyLogin) --> (MyLogin_inactive140826) --> (MyLogin_retrieved140902)

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member
    edited August 2014

    You could create and use an archive vault. It's not my idea: @littlebobbytables‌ mentioned it in this post, where you'll see its advantages.

    Edit: you can't currently restore from trash only selected items.


  • Hi all,

    As @Stephen_C‌ mentioned, having an Archive vault is great for those items that you may want to restore some time down the road. Then those items won't show up in your search of the primary vault.

    Then trash could be used for permanent deletion.

  • camner
    Community Member

    An archive vault is a great idea. I hadn't thought about this use of multiple vaults.

  • Hi @camner‌,

    It's one of my favorite uses. That and the Demo vault for showing off 1Password to people. :)

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