Feature Request: Ability to link different items together...
I would like the ability to establish links between different items, e.g., link a multiple bank online account logins with a bank account debit card, or a credit card. Email accounts with online accounts, notes with anything, etc. And, then these links would be displayed as little icon shortcuts so that you could quickly navigate between them, in both directions.
I don't think this quite meets your request, but it wonder whether you have thought about using tags for this purpose. They should get you close to what you've requested.
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Hi @andrewhart,
I can certainly file a feature request, but as @hawkmoth pointed out, tags works very well for this. I have a tag for my debit card that I apply to any login that I know uses it (recurring bills, etc). This way, when I am sent a new card every couple years to update the expiry and security code, I just update those fields in my Credit Card item in 1Password, click my tag for it, and start visiting those sites to update the information there, as well.
Tags are a very good way to link items together, even across categories. And even better, multiple tags can be applied to an item.