2 Macs, 2 iPhones with DIFFERENT AppleIDs, NO Dropbox
We have the following setup and are wondering whether 1Password would be able to handle the scenario:
Wife: 1 MacBook, iPhone and other iDevices, all tied to iCloud and AppleID-W
Husband: 1 MacBook, iPhone and other iDevices, all tied to iCloud and (another) AppleID-H
We would like to have one primary (shared) vault in 1Password, not multiple vaults.
We would like to keep ALL our devices in sync.
We would like to use iCloud and/or WLAN and intentionally NOT Dropbox; n.b.: NAS with a shared folder always available at home.
We are struggling to get the sync setup from wife's MacBook to husband's MacBook.
Is that somehow possible? - Thanks in advance.
Hi @Lanhydrock,
Thanks for taking the time to contact us.
A few points that I suspect you may already be aware of:
- iCloud sync only syncs the primary vault, so you'll need something more than (or other than) iCloud to sync multiple vaults. However, it sounds like you only have a single primary vault you want to sync.
- Apple has not provided a way to share data from one iCloud account to another, so, again, you'll need something more than (or other than) iCloud to sync across Macs and iOS devices that are using different iCloud accounts.
- Dropbox sync is pretty great and works not only on all the platforms you could ever need it work on, but it also allows you to share data between different Dropbox accounts.
- Wi-Fi Sync only works between Mac and iOS. It does not sync Mac to Mac directly.
Dropbox will do exactly what you are asking is you share the folder containing your 1Password data between your Dropbox accounts (or just use a single Dropbox account). If you are Dropbox averse for some reason, I'd recommend Wi-Fi Sync and just use one of your iOS devices essentially as a "hub" between your Macs and your wife's.
Let me know if that doesn't work for you for some reason.