Wallet items all jumbled together on Windows

As a new user of 1Password one thing i'm not keen on with the Windows version is that all the different categories are all chucked in together under one section called Wallet.

I've purchased the iPhone app and that has all my information nicely organised in different categories. If I want Bank account I click bank accounts, credit cards I click credit cards. On Windows I have to go to wallet for all these things and get a list of everything. I've clicked the type column to at least help with the layout but it's still a compromise compared to the iPhone app.

Just wondering if this is a deliberate design decision or if there is a plan to move over to the iPhone categories system? I've not used the mac version so I don't know how that works but even from a consistency point of view across the 3 systems it would be nice if they all worked the same.

To get the best of both worlds you could keep the wallet item that when clicked would show everything, but then also have the option to expand the wallet and then see all the sub categories to allow you to filter by the category you're interested in.

What do you reckon?


  • jeffbob_pdx
    Community Member

    I've just run into the same issue. Was referred to 1Password by a friend of mine. He and I are installing it together; he at his office, me at mine. We've been IM'ing back and forth about various items. He keeps telling me how great the Categories function is. I have no idea what he's talking about, so I send him a screen shot: http://i.imgur.com/OJSU0pJ.png.

    He sends me a screen shot of his set up: http://i.imgur.com/xgJh3IA.png

    Turns out he's on a Mac and has a much better interface.

    Some consistency between the apps would be nice.

  • reck
    Community Member

    Ah so the mac version has categories as well. How come us Windows users get saddled with the "wallet" then?

    Down with the wallet >:)

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    You have all of the same categories. It's just that some of them are grouped into the Wallet.
    If you do some searching on the forums you'll find that this has been discussed at length several times. I vaguely recall that the Windows interface is going to be updated to match the Mac but the time scales are poorly defined. ;)

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    The grouping of categories under Wallet and Accounts helps with the fact the the sidebar in 1Password for Windows differs in a couple of ways from its counterpart in 1Password for Mac:

    • The categories can't be collapsed.

    • The sidebar isn't scrollable.

    If every category was listed in the sidebar in 1Password for Windows, your folder list and Security Audit items might well be driven off the bottom of the screen.

    We hope to improve this aspect of the main 1Password program window in a future version. In the meantime, we hope you understand the current design and forgive any inconvenience.

    Thank you for using 1Password!

  • reck
    Community Member

    the sidebar in 1Password for Windows differs in a couple of ways

    I guess the question should be why does the Windows sidebar differ when compared to say the mac version for instance? Would it not have been possible to implement a collapsing categories option to keep it consistent with the other platforms rather than creating a whole new "thing" called the wallet?

    If every category was listed in the sidebar in 1Password for Windows, your folder list and Security Audit items might well be driven off the bottom of the screen.

    Collapsing categories would solve this issue as you mentioned.

    As the concept of the wallet doesn't seem to exist on iOS or Mac it just seems a strange (and inferior in my opinion) item to have created for a single platform.

    Is the overall plan for the Windows client to be upgraded to same level as the mac anytime soon? The biggest two things i've noticed so far is the mac has categories and tag listings while Windows only has access to the tags via a shortcut key and of course we have the wallet instead of categories.

    I've not looked into this a great deal as i'm not very familiar with the mac client (or 1Password overall) but it's starting to look like the Windows client is a second class citizen compared to the other platforms, almost an after thought. Hope this isn't the case.

    I would at least hope for feature parity and consistency across platforms.

    @RichardPayne i'll have to have a search round the forums for the threads you mention. What's the general consensus on the wallet? Maybe i'm in the minority and more people prefer the wallet over collapsing categories.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    a whole new "thing" called the wallet?

    The Wallet is not a whole new "thing". It is 1Password version 3 legacy.

    Collapsing categories would solve this issue

    Correct. This is on my list of things to do.

  • reck
    Community Member

    The Wallet is not a whole new "thing". It is 1Password version 3 legacy.

    Oh, only started using 1Password in the last few days so I’m not aware of legacy products that existed in the past. I was just comparing what I could see today.

    Correct. This is on my list of things to do.

    That’s great to hear. Overall I’m really liking what I see with 1Password compared to Roboform. Really the only complaint I have, if you can call it that, is the lack of tags in the UI and the wallet setup. Both of these aren’t showstoppers and will be fixed anyway by the sounds of it. I’ve also been having problems with a couple of bugs that I’m hoping I can get sorted.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    the lack of tags in the UI

    Here's a trick you might appreciate:

    1. Press Ctrl+F (or click in the Search input in the upper-right corner)
    2. Press Alt+DownArrow
  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    I appreciate it but personally, I'd still like to see tag folders in the left bar. ;)

  • reck
    Community Member

    Yeah I was aware of the keypress, thanks. Would be better though if I could interact with tags directly in the UI.

  • jeffbob_pdx
    Community Member

    +1 for interacting with tags from within the Windows UI. Why doesn't the Windows UI look like the Mac UI? http://i.imgur.com/8kcrgzx.png

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Why doesn't the Windows UI look like the Mac UI?

    Because it's a Windows program, not a Mac program.
    That said, there's definitely some tidying to be done.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    I agree completely with replies 10 through 13. :)

    Thanks for holding our feet to the fire, folks! We'll continue working to improve 1Password.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2014

    I'd still like to see tag folders in the left bar.

    @RichardPayne this is on my list of things to do.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Just out of curiousity, how long is your list these days? ;)

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    Just out of curiousity, how long is your list these days?

    @RichardPayne Too long :)

This discussion has been closed.