setting the cursor on a text box form with autofill [Not possible at this time, under consideration]

Community Member
edited October 2014 in Mac

Is there anyway to make 1password have the cursor on a certain text box form after autofill?
I use an MFA Code with the AWS console so I'd like to fill my account, username, password, and check "I have an MFA Token", and have the cursor in the MFA Code text box. Currently the cursor ends up in the Password text box but I have the rest of the form filled out correctly. Wondering if there is a tweak in the "web form detail" in 1password to make this possible.

Thanks in advance.


  • MikeT
    edited October 2014

    Hi @grahn,

    No, there isn't a way to specify which field to focus, it's focused by the browser when we filled in the last field.

    We do want to improve the way 1Password fills in on sites with MFA/2FA code fields so that it doesn't automate the submission by default and we could try to focus that specific field by entering an empty string in it.

    That's an idea, you can try to enter the 2FA field with an empty string on the AWS console page, and save it as a new Login, so it'd be the last filled. I don't have an AWS account to test this with, so you can try and see if that'll work.

  • grahn
    Community Member

    Even when I enter some string for the MFA field, the focus is on the password field. How do I make the focus on the MFA field?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @grahn,

    Unfortunately, as @MikeT says above, at this time there isn't a way to specify which field has focus. I'll be sure to mention to our developers that you're keen to see 1Password's handling of MFA/2FA fields improved. :)

  • grahn
    Community Member

    Thanks for passing that along.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @grahn,

    Happy to help! Since this issue is nicely sorted out now, I'll close this thread, but if you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to open a new thread, or email us directly at - we're here for you. :)

This discussion has been closed.