Why can't 1P sync with iCloud?

Mr. Laser Beam
Mr. Laser Beam
Community Member
edited October 2014 in Mac

I've seen the threads that tell us that 1Password 5 for Mac requires OS X Yosemite to sync with iCloud. But I don't have 1P 5 for Mac yet - I still have 4.4.2. And it can't sync with iCloud either - changes I make in 1P for Mac aren't propagating to my iOS devices, and the reverse is also not happening. So what's going on here?

(I do have 1P version 5 and iOS 8 for my iOS devices, if that helps.)


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    When Apple released iOS 8 they added a lot of new stuff in terms of iCloud and syncing. Thing is when syncing, every device has to be communicating with the same protocol. The Apple forums are full of people cheesed off over iCloud Drive for example because of this gap between iOS 8 and Yosemite. AgileBits are suffering too because 1Password 5 for iOS makes use of CloudKit and that requires CloudKit on every device (so Yosemite) and each program too (so 1Password 5 for Mac). Once Yosemite is released we'll probably find 1Password 5 for Mac is very soon after and once again, all Apple devices will be able to use iCloud to synchronise. Unfortunately until then your options are to briefly switch to another sync solution - so Dropbox or WiFi sync or to wait it out. Apple do have an event scheduled for the 16th where it's widely believed they will be releasing Yosemite to the public.

  • Mr. Laser Beam
    Mr. Laser Beam
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    If this helps: My iOS 8 devices can sync with each other. When I run 1P for Mac (4.4.2), it reports that it has synced with iCloud, but doesn't actually DO it.

    So if I interpret this correctly: The problem, technically speaking, isn't that I'm not running Yosemite - it's that I'm not running 1P 5 for Mac, amirite?

    It looks like my using 1P 5 for iOS has 'polluted' iCloud such that it now won't work with any version of 1P for Mac prior to version 5, which of course doesn't exist yet. And when it does, it will require Yosemite. Am I right on that as well? :(

    Damn, I wish I could have known about this in advance!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    You seem to have the gist yeah. You'll need 1Password 5 for Mac to regain iCloud sync and for that version to work you will need Yosemite too as the supplier of what 1Password 5 for Mac will be built on - one without the other won't be enough.

    Your iOS 8 devices syncing is to be expected because they're both using CloudKit. Obviously what would have been much better is iOS 8 and Yosemite being released at the same time. This new iCloud in its different forms e.g. CloudKit, iCloud Drive - it was always going to mean a bumpy transition but it's been exasperated by the gap between the desktop and the mobile devices.

    As I have a tendency to say at the moment - hey, it's Apple. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Mr. Laser Beam
    Mr. Laser Beam
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    I guess my only remaining question is this:

    If I make changes in 1P for Mac (which of course can't propagate to my iOS devices), and also make changes in the iOS version (which won't be reflected in the Mac version), then when I do finally acquire 1P for Mac version 5 - and thus reacquire the ability to sync among all my devices - which version of my data will become dominant ?

    Meaning: Will the changes I made in the Mac version, overwrite the changes I made in the iOS version? Or will the opposite happen?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    The changes should merge rather than one vault being overwritten. Of course if you makes changes on both devices to a single entry 1Password will probably get confused but that's what conflicts are about. So if after a sync an entry has a conflict section it means 1Password couldn't decide which was the one to keep and it keeps both instead.

    Given you've got multiple iOS devices it may be worth giving that first sync a little thought.

    So once Yosemite is released and you've made the plunge. It might be worth disabling iCloud sync on all your devices prior to upgrading 1Password for Mac. You apply the update and given all your devices are compatible you may as well upgrade iCloud to iCloud Drive and get that out of the way. Then, having ensured you have backups in place you re-enable syncing on the desktop and one iOS device. Let them sync (it should be pretty much instantaneous under CloudKit) and then on your mac give your vault a once over and see if there are any conflicts. At that point it might be easiest to wipe your data from 1Password for iOS on the remaining devices (assuming the one you synced had everything all the others had). That way you know they import a fresh copy of the vault you've just verified as being good with no concern.

    You may decide that's overly cautious, that's just how I might do it if I had multiple devices in a state of flux.

  • Mr. Laser Beam
    Mr. Laser Beam
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    I have no use for iCloud Drive. Just normal iCloud syncing.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Mr. Laser Beam,

    I hope that @littlebobbytables‌ advice here has been helpful. He's right - iCloud sync is a bit complicated right now while we all wait not-so-patiently for Apple to release Yosemite.

    I have no use for iCloud Drive. Just normal iCloud syncing.

    Apple has made things a bit confusing with their naming scheme here. There are a lot of different services that now fall under the iCloud umbrella. Even if you have no use for iCloud Drive (which is fine), iCloud sync with 1Password will require that you have iCloud Drive enabled on your devices.

    I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions about iCloud, or anything else 1Password, you know where to find us!

  • Mr. Laser Beam
    Mr. Laser Beam
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    But as I said, I can sync my 1P data (via iCloud) among both my iOS 8 devices right now - and I have iCloud Drive turned off. So why would I need to turn it on? Just so I can sync 1P with the Mac (when Yosemite comes out)?

  • MikeT
    edited October 2014

    Hi @Mr. Laser Beam,

    [Update: Correction, later Yosemite builds shows iCloud Drive needs to be on]

  • Mr. Laser Beam
    Mr. Laser Beam
    Community Member

    iCloud Drive itself is not needed to be on.

    That's not what the Knowledge Base says. https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-ios-kb/4/en/topic/icloud-drive-not-enabled

    It specifically says that iCloud DRIVE, not just iCloud itself, has to be on.

  • MikeT
    edited October 2014

    Hi @Mr. Laser Beam,

    Correct, iCloud Drive now needs to be on. When I said it doesn't need to be on, we were just getting ready to correct all of our guides as our testing show it didn't need to be on. It appears things have changed and now CloudKit requires iCloud Drive to be on.

    I apologize for the confusion, we were hoping it would be the opposite.

    As for why iCloud Drive needs to be on, your CloudKit data is privately stored in your iCloud account as part of the iCloud Drive storage plan.

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