Auto-fill and 2fa feedback

Community Member
edited October 2014 in Mac

Hey there,

I'm a new 1Password user. Used to be LastPass loyal, but the integration with Alfred won me over.

In general, I'm loving 1Password, but have a few questions:

  1. Any plans to introduce 2fa support?
  2. I know it's been mentioned before (e.g here, but an auto-fill feature would make life 1000x easier. This is the one thing I miss from LastPass, and it's slowing down my workflow a lot. I used to have certain logins set as the default for particular sites - e.g. my main account for Twitter, etc - but now I need to go in and find the right one and fill it, which is a pain.

I'm aware of the arguments surrounding security best practices, but if I want to have the option to auto-fill logins on specific sites (off by default), then that should be a choice left up to me. It seems important given that it negatively affects the user experience otherwise.

If not, being able to set the order of the logins in the list that appear in Chrome etc when invoking the hot key - so that the most common ones appear top of the list would be good. That way it auto-fill would be irrelevant. Edit: Just discovered this - - so that seems to be a workaround!

Anyway, that's my quick feedback. I'm sure it'll just be a matter of getting used to a new process.



  • bz101
    Community Member

    +1 on the auto-fill for sure. It is so much more convenient to have auto-fill & submit, especially if you only have one login for a site. I should have the choice to auto-fill by site/login. There is already a property for logins for "Submit". Can we just get an extra option in there for "Auto-fill & Submit". It would cut down on keyboard strokes for sure.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    Hi @clickysteve‌ and @bz101,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in with this feedback!

    Any plans to introduce 2fa support?

    Our security guru has written a lot on the subject. Here are a few places to start reading up on it:

    If you have any further questions about the subject, I'd be happy to ask him to chime in here. :)

    I know it's been mentioned before (e.g here, but an auto-fill feature would make life 1000x easier.

    Just to clarify, the discussion you linked to is from our Windows forum, but the situation is nearly the same for 1Password 4 for Mac. I'll give you my workflow for filling webpages on browsers.

    • Use ⌘⌥\ ( Command-Option- \ ) to open 1Password Mini
    • The search field is active by default, so I just start typing the title of the Login I want to use
    • Once it's highlighted, I just hit 'Enter'
    • 1Password opens the webpage, fills my details, and submits (that last option can be changed if you would prefer that 1Password not submit your details automatically.

    Of course, I'm a bit biased (and I've never tried LastPass's workflow), but I find this incredibly simple.

    I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, we're here for you!

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