changing password and 1 password doesn't fill username

Community Member

I May be missing something here, but nearly every time I change or enter a new password, 1password fails to fill the username field (email address)
In addition, when you go to request a password change, that web address is automatically put in the web field of 1password. Result being you always have to re edit the 1password login.
Would be more than happy to be shown that its my incompetence!!


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @bertiebuoy‌ Would you be able to describe the set of steps you're currently following that result in this (unwanted) behaviour :smile:

    For personal reasons I tend to add or update logins manually so I have little experience of the automated approach that 1Password offers. I'm like this because I used to be an Opera browser fan before 1Password support came along so I'm used to copy and pasting and alt tab switching. Sadly, Opera's switch to webkit or whatever branch it is that allowed access to a 1Password extension is when their browser began to suck so I switched to Safari - go figure.

    Anyway, digressions aside here are a couple of links to parts of AgileBits' guides regarding saving passwords. The first is saving a login and the second is manually saving a login.

    If a login is awkward I use the manually saving a login and have found that very effective for any odd logins or ones requiring more than two fields. I've one weird page where I want to save 5/6 non-password fields and 1Password handles it fine.

    Other than that, when I'm adding a new login or changing an existing one I tend to do it completely manually. I'll prepare the change password page and leave my new password in the paste buffer/clipboard and save. I'll then go and edit the login directly from within 1Password and change it there straight away.

    I should probably play with their more automated approach more to see how it works.

    So if you post back here describing what you're doing and how any differences from those guides and hopefully somebody can explain what you're experiencing.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bertiebuoy‌

    Just to add a little to what @littlebobbytables‌ said, we also have a handy guide to Changing a saved password. Are the steps listed here similar to what you've been doing?

    Once we know what your steps are, we'll be better able to get this sorted out. :)

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