Save/update login UI bugs

Community Member

Using 5.0 from MAS, Chrome Version 38.0.2125.104, extension, Yosemite

Seeing two issues:
1) When trying to save a new login from the extension, it won't let me type anything. The box is blank, but if I save it, it does save the autofilled login name. Clicking in the box doesn't really do anything.
2) Playing with the expander triangle causes a weird UI issue (screenshot attached)


  • Hi @galonsky‌,

    We've seen a few reports of this but we couldn't reproduce it. Are you using any specific locale on your Mac other than English US?

    Can you try restarting the Mac and see if it works out the glitch? The reason for restarting is that the dialog is using AutoLayout, which means OS X is supposed to resize it properly on its own but it appears it didn't do it in your case.

    I can't reproduce it with your versions at the moment, it shows it fine for me.

  • galonsky
    Community Member

    @MikeT‌ I restarted and now it seems to not prompt me at all for saving logins...

  • galonsky
    Community Member

    Now that I've unlocked the vault from the app, it's prompting me and I don't see the UI bugs, but before I unlocked it, it wasn't prompting me at all in the browser for new logins.

  • Thanks for all the follow-up info @galonsky‌! If the bug resurfaces, do let us know along with any details leading up to it that you can remember, as they may help us reproduce it. If we can reproduce it, we can find the cause much easier.

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