1Password Broken after Yosemite Upgrade
Actually, I feel that there may be an issue! I have followed the advice here: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/20374/1password-is-damaged-and-cant-be-opened-delete-1password-and-download-again-from-the-app-store, deleted and redownloaded 1Password from the app store.
Now, every time i open the app, i get the Welcome Screen, but I can't get the main app to come up - no login window, no vault actions, etc.
You can see some more details and screenshots in this (semi related) post: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/30585/security-bug-1password-requires-access-to-www-carshowrooms-com-au#latest
Any help would be appreciated. Is this a Yosemite bug?
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Note: the browser extension, seems to still work ok - at least in Chrome
EDIT: Scratch that - browser extensions were working before I reinstalled the main app, now, even though Chrome shows the extension, it fails when trying to launch.
My guess is that I need to remove my current configuration and start from a blank slate and reimport my old vault. Though this would then point towards a bug in 1Password
EDIT #2: In old chrome windows (i.e.: windows and tabs I had created before I reinstalled 1Password) the browser extension still works. In windows/tabs created after, browser extensions, don't work... weird!
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Hi @SockThief,
Now, every time i open the app, i get the Welcome Screen, but I can't get the main app to come up - no login window, no vault actions, etc.
Please reboot your Mac to fix this issue.
browser extensions were working before I reinstalled the main app, now, even though Chrome shows the extension, it fails when trying to launch.
I noticed in another post that you are using Little Snitch, please make sure that it doesn't block connections to local host for 1Password mini.
Please let me know how this goes.
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reboot solved the problem - why is a reboot required? being a long time mac/linux/unix user, im not used to rebooting after each app install....!
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Hi @SockThief,
In OS X Mavericks Apple introduced cfprefsd, a daemon which provides preferences services for the CFPreferences and NSUserDefaults APIs.
For example, if you manually edit a preference file (User Defaults) cfprefsd will get "confused" and will stop working properly, basically any change one makes to the preference file after that via the
API will not be persistent. A reboot will reinitialize the daemon.Hope that this helps!
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Hi @SockThief
You can never re-boot your computer often enough ... which reminds me, I think this laptop is due for one really soon. :D
I'm glad that Rad was able to help you out - if you have any further questions or concerns, we're here for you!