1Password 5 - no title bar?
I find, what at least to the user appears to be, a complete absence of a title bar in version 5 problematic.
For one thing, double-clicking the title bar minimizes windows, with no actual title bar this obviously doesn't happen. (You end up clicking something that sort of looks like a title bar but it does absolutely nothing.)
Just in general I thinknot following UI conventions is a disservice to users.
Hi @hawk7000 What can I say, it's a double-edged sword. It's generally not a bad idea to try and keep in the current style of the OS so that your program fits in. UI changes, almost without exception, generate fans and enemies of each decision. I see some Apple apps do this but not all.
Just to clarify, when you refer to minimising, I assume you mean shrink the window down to the smallest size deemed accept (no wasted space) rather than minimising to the dock. Have I understood correctly? I just want to make sure before placing a feature request on your behalf.
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I would guess that he's talking about minimizing 1P to the dock. At least, that's how I read it. The lack of a menu bar has come to my attention, too, but it doesn't bother me that much. Although.....It WOULD be nice to be able to click anywhere at the top of the 1P window and send it to the dock, instead of having to move your cursor all the way over to the upper left and click the yellow circle to minimize 1P to the dock. :)
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@littlebobbytables I do mean minimizing to the dock. It's a built-in behaviour in OS X which I'm not sure if it's on or off by default but which I've always found convenient.
As for sticking to the conventions of the platform your application runs on, I would say it's more than "not a bad idea".
Edit: I would add that this also appears relevant to include in the "feature" request / bug report / whatever you find applicable: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/OSXHIGuidelines/WindowAppearanceBehavior.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000957-CH33-SW4
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Hi @hawk7000
It turns out it is off by default and when it is off windows shrink down in size to just show the contents, that's why I was getting confused. I'm more a keyboard shortcut person so I'm more used to using ⌘M to achieve that particular goal.
I genuinely don't know if it's a bug or just a side-effect of that particular design decision. The Contacts application behaves in the exact same way as 1Password yet the Messages application doesn't. We'll have to see what our developers say regarding this. Until we get it looked into I hope the alternative options of the minimise button or ⌘M will at least allow you to keep working.
ref: OPM-2604
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@littlebobbytables Thanks for passing my concern along nonetheless.
As for Contacts I had no idea, it's not an application that I've ever used. The vast majority of Apple as well as third-party software does have a title bar, though. I think there's no doubt that this is what the user expects.
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Hi @hawk7000
Contacts is Apple's Address Book. It used to have a title bar in Mavericks but as of Yosemite uses the same style as 1Password.