New passwords lost in upgrade to iCloud Drive
I'm discovering that multiple entries in my 1Password database are incorrect. These are sites I've visited frequently, and changed their passwords after Heartbleed, so the database was correct for a long time. Now the original passwords for the entries have suddenly returned, and I'm having to reset things. Very definitely not happy...
Running the lastest versions of 1Password on all my systems. Always used iCloud to for syncing, and avoided making changes to the database until everything migrated to iCloud drive (Yosemite/iOS8).
That was a little cryptic. Let's say I entered the data for Netlix in March with passowrd1. Then I changed Netflix to password2, and used that for several months. Now, the record for Netflix has reverted to password1, with no trace of the correct password2 in the database.
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Hi @alands
What might save you pulling your hair out in frustration is our backups in the Mac version.
Go to 1Password > Preferences and then into the Backup tab. In there you should fine a list of all your backups. If you notice there's a gap of days or weeks between the dates that's because 1Password will only add a backup if something has changed.
So to be safe you may want to make a backup just now so you can always revert to what you have at the moment but you should be able to jump between points in time and find one that contains all the proper passwords and not all the old ones.
I don't have an answer for you I'm afraid as to why this happened after updating to iCloud Drive as it shouldn't have done this. The only thing I can guess at is if one of your devices had been in sync for a while and it got the first opportunity to upload it's vault before the other. That's just a stab in the dark though. All that really matters right now is seeing if we can retrieve your good passwords.