1password and chrome users compatibility?

Community Member

Hey All,

I use multiple chrome users: one for work, one for work-dev, and a personal. When I double-click a login item within the 1password application it often attempts to launch it in the wrong chrome user window. What logic is at play to decide which browser window to launch the new login item into?


  • Hi @carpenoctem‌,

    When you double click the login item, very little logic exists on our side to determine which window that'll open in. We simply pass the URL over to the system and ask it to open it in your default browser. It'll be up to the browser to decide which window to open this URL in. I would assume that most browsers would either open a tab in the current frontmost window, or a new window if need be, but that'll be up to them to implement.

    I hope this helps.


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