2-Factor Authentication for 1Password?
Given the recent revelation that some malware is specifically attempting to steal the master passwords for Keepass and Password Safe, it seems reasonable to move to a 2-factor authentication mechanism for password manager applications. Is any work being done in this are for 1Password? I personally use Duo 2-Factor for work and a number of personal applications (including Google, DropBox, etc.). I'd love to be able to include 1Password!!!
Hi @HangGlider,
With respect to that article, our security guru is currently looking into the research that went into that article and working up a detailed reply. For the time being though, it is important to note that the threat of keyloggers is not new. Your best defense is to not get tricked into install them. But 1Password takes steps to help out, too: ** Watch what you type: 1Password's defenses against keystroke loggers **.
And, as far as two-factor authentication, have a read through this article, also by our security guru: Doing the two-step until the end of time.
I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any further questions or concerns! :)