Lost 1Password Mini with update from vs.4 to vs.5 because...

Community Member

I had a copy of vs.5 that I had previously downloaded on my desktop losing mini 1Password (says the box that appeared) because the other system was present. Vs. 5 is up and working on my computer with Yosemite OS and I have tried re-downloading and installing a fresh vs.5 by dropping it in the applications folder and choosing to replace the older app. I then tried restarting hoping that the mini program would appear with no luck. So the question is: how do I get back a mini 1Password working with the presently installed vs.5?


  • slmdunkr
    Community Member

    Tried the same thing (downloading new vs.5, replacing old and then restarting) and it worked this time: I have a 1Password mini in my menu bar. I hope this helps others when the second time can be a charm!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


    Glad to hear you're up and running again, let us know if you have any more troubles. As this one is resolved though I'm going to close it.

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