Failing to save username and login for some accounts

Community Member

I have several accounts that 1 Password is not saving my username and password. I've tried to enter the info manually per the instructions on one of these sites but can't find the "save new login" on the menu.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Does this knowledgebase article about saving a login help at all?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ssquared910‌

    If the article that @Stephen_C linked to doesn't help at all, please let us know which version number of 1Password you are using, and what version of operating system. It would also be helpful to get a few of the URLs that are causing you trouble so we can do some testing on our end. :)

  • huffalumpy
    Community Member

    I'm using whatever the latest beta is, and I run into this from time to time, where a site is a little different, somehow.
    Check out If I manually save a username, it tries to put that username into both the customer ID and the user id fields. I've looked through the source for the page, so I tried to add a field for the customer id, but no joy, yet.

    If there was some sort of general instruction on how to set up a login for weird sites, it would make life easier, because there are pages following that opening page, that have other credentials (passwords, etc.) that have to be filled, too.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @huffalumpy‌

    The general instructions for setting up Logins are the ones that @Stephen_C linked to above: Save a New Login Manually. These steps usually allow 1Password to learn which fields it needs to fill, including more unique sites.

    Unfortunately, I was unable to access the URL that you mention above. Please try the instructions linked to here, and let me know if they help 1Password behave any better.

    If you're still having trouble, I'd love to know the version number of 1Password ( which can be found in the 1Password > About 1Password menu), the version number of the browser extension (which can generally be found in the Preferences > Extensions pane, depending on your browser), and of course the version number of your browser, so that we can get a better idea of where things might be getting tangled up.

  • huffalumpy
    Community Member

    ok, but if I want to add a web form field, how do I do that? That's what I'm asking. Sorry. I have multiple screens that are associated with the same login process, so I'm adding the various URL's, and then I want to add the various web form fields. So, I guess if I had gotten two entries saved, I would want to combine them.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @huffalumpy‌

    Unfortunately 1Password 4/5 doesn't have the ability add web form fields when editing a Login item from within the main application. You can delete fields and alter existing ones but you can't add one.

    If the goal is to avoid creating a new Login Item and having to copy other information across we may have you sorted. If you follow the Saving a Login Manually guide you reach a point where you see the following:

    Now where it says Save new Login in Primary Vault, that's a drop down menu with one other option which is Update existing Login in Primary Vault. If 1Password finds other entries then that second option will be enabled, otherwise it will be disabled and greyed out. If you can choose it though the text box below it which was for setting the name you were going to use, that becomes another drop down menu for you to select which item to update.

    Here's my one showing that I have two Login items I can choose from.

    It will update your username and password if needed and it will add to the web form details even if it didn't exist before. Don't worry, it won't touch any custom fields you've set elsewhere.

    Does that help?

  • huffalumpy
    Community Member

    not entirely, but closer. It looks like a couple of the web form fields either didn't get brought over correctly, or have the same name (but when I tried just making a new login for this page by itself, earlier, it worked, so I'm not sure what's going on, yet). I'll read through the page source and see if something jumps out as to why this happend.

    Thanks for the help!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @huffalumpy‌ Once you get past the pain and have a working login again you shouldn't have to continuously fight with it. Some sites are more finicky than others but generally 1Password does work. Let us know if there's anything else we can do.

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