Mac-iOS syncing and demo expiration

1Password Alumni
edited November 2014 in Mac
This discussion was split from the Why am I on DEMO mode thread in the 1Password for Windows forum.


  • TheMacMommy
    Community Member

    I installed 1Password for a client (seniors who use the same or similar passwords for everything which isn't much). They have a Mac and 2 iPhones running Mavericks and iOS 8.1.1 respectively. They won't be upgrading to Yosemite any time soon so I just installed the Demo version for Mavericks and connected it to their Dropbox. I'm fairly sure they have less than 20 items. I helped them enter most of their items to get them started with the goal that they would continue the process and finish populating their database which is then synced to their iPhones. I'm trying to get them weaned off their scraps of paper which make it take so much longer to get anything accomplished when I give them tech support.

    What exactly will happen when their Demo expires? I want to be able to spell it out for them what they should expect. They have the free version installed on their iPhones because right now they just don't have a need for the premium features.

    • Sync between all three devices via Dropbox: if Mac version is read-only, can they still make changes on their iPhones, i.e., change a password or modify notes on an entry, and have it sync to the Mac version even though it's "read-only" — that's the part that concerns me.
    • Password Generator - will it still work on Mac version? Or must they use their iPhones to generate any new passwords

    My goal is to get them to change all their passwords so that each item is unique and to teach them how to make better, more secure choices. Eventually I may convince them to purchase the upgrade, but I want to at least get them going.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @TheMacMommy‌

    Thanks so much for helping to share the secure habit! The fewer scraps of paper that are floating around with passwords scrawled on, the better. :)

    What exactly will happen when their Demo expires? I want to be able to spell it out for them what they should expect.

    You can find the details on this in our Licensing FAQ:

    After the end of the 30-day trial, some restrictions will take force. If you’ve already added 20 or more items (Logins, Secure Notes, etc.) to 1Password, you will not be able to add any more. You will still be able to look up and view any passwords you’ve already created, and any data you’ve added to 1Password will remain safe and accessible, even after the end of the trial.

    Since they won't be able to save new Logins after the trial period has ended (or once they reach the 20 item cap, whichever comes second), I wouldn't recommend using the password generator in Mac, since they won't be able to easily save that information into 1Password.

    Of course, I'm biased here, but I do recommend that they consider a license for 1Password for Mac. It's just such a convenient way to save and use login information, particularly if their primary machine is a Mac. Our developers are making some awesome improvements to item editing on iOS as well, but it seems like a bit of an awkward workflow to me.

    They won't be upgrading to Yosemite any time soon so I just installed the Demo version for Mavericks

    There is no need to upgrade to Yosemite just to use 1Password. The license for 1Password 5 will work just fine in 1Password 4. So, if upgrading their operating system was one of the barriers to purchase, consider it removed. :)

    I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any further questions or concerns.

This discussion has been closed.