Wifi sync with iMac, iPhone, and MacBook

Hans Notenboom
Hans Notenboom
Community Member
edited November 2014 in Mac

So I have been doing wifi syncs for quite some time. I am updated on the latest versions of 1Password and using v5. My question is this...I have recently changed data on my iMac...passwords and such. I then did a wifi sync to my iPhone 6. No problem. However, if I then sync that phone to by MacBook, it puts the older information from the MacBook back on to the phone. Previously, it seemed that it would just reconcile the most recent data. Having said all that, can I sync this newest information that is on my iMac to my MacBook pro using wifi? It seems that I was able to in the past, or at least go iMac --> phone --> MacBook. Thanks for any help.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Hans Notenboom

    So is it accurate to say that your iMac represents the most current and correct copy of your vault? I'm going to work on that assumption.

    As a member of AgileBits I've become remarkably cavalier regarding wiping vaults left, right and centre on my own devices in the pursuit of troubleshooting. So I've once or two seen this myself on my own devices but cursed briefly and then wiped any device that had just annoyed me and forced them all to use a fresh copy but hey, it works. I don't know why it did it but I knew the solution was quick so I didn't give it much thought.

    So if I was in your shoes and knew my iMac was correct and the others were annoying me I'd do the following.

    1. Wipe my vault on my iPhone, available under Settings > Advanced > Erase Data and Settings (you will need to set up your PIN/Touch ID and other settings again).
    2. Use Wi-Fi Sync to push a clean copy of your iMac vault to your iPhone.
    3. Follow this guide for Starting Over on your MacBook.
    4. Create a new, empty, primary vault on your MacBook.
    5. Use Wi-Fi Sync to push a clean copy of your iPhone vault to your MacBook.

    I'd also check and make sure all of your devices are using a time server to ensure their clocks are in sync.

    If you have any questions or doubts please do post here and somebody will be along to help.

  • Hans Notenboom
    Hans Notenboom
    Community Member

    So I did this as directed. I got to the macbook, moved the 1Password4 folder and the two other files to the desktop. I assume that I don't delete them. I rebooted, opened 1 password. It looked as it it was my first time booting...used master password and the old files were there. Did wifi sync with phone, but it brought my older MBP stuff to the phone again?

    A couple of questions come up...

    Is there any issue as I update to 5 from 4?

    Is there any way to delete the entire application from the Macbook and then re-install? The problem is that I don't have it in my app store as I think I just did an update from v4. So that would make me buy it again.

    Is there anything else that I have done wrong based on the explanation above? iMac is right. iPhone is right from iMac. MBP will not update to what is on the phone.

    Thanks much.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    HI @Hans Notenboom

    Updating from 1Password 4 to 1Password 5 shouldn't affect the instructions as both versions keep their files in the same place. No, if after following the instructions precisely you're being asked for a Master Password that's something else.

    Just to say, quitting both 1Password and 1Password mini (my preference is the ⌃⌘Q shortcut) and the reboot are very important steps due to the aggressive caching that is present in OS X these days. Trust me when I say you can get some really funky behaviours if you don't do both of these steps.

    Besides that I'd probably suggest a slightly more thorough look in Step 3. when following the Starting Over guide. I'd say follow the instructions for both the Web Store and the MAS version and even look for data left over from 1Password 3 if you've ever used it too. The reason is 1Password will try and be helpful and import a vault if it finds it in one of the standard locations. So we're looking for the following folders:

    • ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/ If this folder exists you've used 1Password 3 in the past; move it too
    • ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/ If this folder exists you've used 1Password 4/5 (Web Store) in the past; move it too
    • ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/ If this folder exists you've used 1Password 4/5 (Mac App Store) in the past; move it too

    So basically, try the instructions I suggested before, definitely make sure 1Password mini isn't running and ensure those folders above don't exist. If they do, once you reboot and launch 1Password it will try to be helpful, not realising it's actually annoying you. If you're not being asked to make a new primary vault and new Master Password then when you sync your MBP with your iPhone it won't do what we want it to (which is copy everything from the iPhone to your MBP).

  • Hans Notenboom
    Hans Notenboom
    Community Member

    I think the issue is this...but I'm not sure...

    When I delete the files and reboot, I open the application again. When I go to wifi sync, it says that it found a database on iCloud, but then tells me I can't use the iCloud info as it isn't an appstore purchase. I think if it didn't see any iCloud data, I would start with a fresh slate, and then import via phone wifi...somehow that iCloud part is the step that won't let it happen.

  • Hans Notenboom
    Hans Notenboom
    Community Member


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Hans Notenboom

    When you open 1Password for the first time after rebooting, it might find old data in iCloud, but you can avoid using that data. There is a sentence of text above the Master Password field in the lock screen. Click on the 'click here' to view your options, including creating a new vault.

    I'm including a screenshot below. It's from 1Password 4, but the same applies in 1Password 5:

    Please let me know if this helps!

  • Hans Notenboom
    Hans Notenboom
    Community Member

    That got it. Thanks very much.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of @Megan, you're very welcome! I'm glad that was helpful. If you need anything else, just let us know. :)

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