Dropbox sync between ios and mac not working
I've recently had to do a clean install of Yosemite 10.10.1 on my laptop because of an obscure software problem with some application. Since migration assistant doesn't allow restoration of individual applications, I've had to reinstall those by hand. And there are a lot of them. Sigh.
I use the MAS version of 1password, and it's up to date (5.0.2). Version 5.1.2 is on my iPad. I want to use DropBox for sync: that's what I use on 2 other Macs. However, I can't get sync via dropbox working between ios and mac os. wifi sync works.
Hi @coldrick
It sounds like you were using 1Password prior to wiping the drive and I assume you were syncing before too.
Based on that assumption I'm also assuming that would mean the iPad should still be syncing to Dropbox?
When you re-installed Yosemite, how did you kick-start 1Password? There would have been an option to say you were an existing user and point it to your Dropbox agilekeychain or did you grab the entire container support folder for 1Password (MAS) and manually pop it back?
I'm just trying to get a feel for what you did before and after the wipe, once we have a better idea we can start coming up with causes and suggestions.