1Password and GlimmerBlocker

Community Member

With Chrome 39.0.2171.71, I'm in a situation where I cannot use the 1Password plugin to fill in form fields. According to my console logs, I get this:

12-1-14 10:52:28.920 PM 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper[401]: 502006 [EXT:0x7fced060a6b0:<OP4ExtensionClient: 0x7fced5856f70>] M sendFillItem:generatedPassword:openInTabMode: | Extension client 'chrome-extension://aomjjhallfgjeglblehebfpbcfeobpgk' ((null)) is not verified. Will not fill 575F58DF4C05338BACF257C393A96A81 until client is verified.

A cursory glance at the situation makes me believe that there is an issue with how 1Password and GlimmerBlocker interact with each other. Now, I'm not willing to disable GlimmerBlocker since it filters out a lot of cruft on sites I visit, but I've also read that a GlimmerBlocker rule can restore 1Password functionality. Any help would be appreciated.


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