Incorrect version of 1Password mini

Claude Tremblay
Claude Tremblay
Community Member

When I launch 1Password5 I get this warning and I am not sure where to look for the other copy!


  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Claude Tremblay‌,

    Thanks for taking the time to write to us :smile:

    Since OS X Yosemite it is very important the you keep a single copy of 1Password anywhere on your hard drive, including mounted external drives.

    Please keep 1Password from your /Applications folder and trash the older copy of 1Password 5. This should fix it.


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    I understand that this is a Yosemite problem, and not anything you can deal with.

    But many of us use an external drive to clone the internal drive, and do this often enough that it does not make sense to have the drive unmounted. Is there a good solution to this situation?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2014

    Hi @danco,

    If you choose to keep multiple copies of 1Password anywhere on your system, it's best that the duplicates are zipped. This will prevent the contents from being picked up by the OS accidentally.

    I know it's not a perfect solution, but it's the workaround we have available right now. I hope it helps!

  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited December 2014


    You can also open spotlight preferences in system preferences and add the external drive to the privacy section. A reboot may be necessary to release any previous search results. Once rebooted the external app should not be found in spotlights search results.

    The advantage is it solves the issue with connected drives. Especially clone / backup drives.

    The disadvantage is spotlight will not find results from that external drive. Including any searching for files etc. But if its merely a clone like mine, you may not be interested in spotlight indexing it.

  • Hi @danco and @thightower‌,

    I'm not too sure that omitting the external drive from Spotlight searches will achieve the desired result in all cases. The problem isn't technically that Spotlight sees the other app, it's that LaunchServices does. What it (LaunchServices) uses to find apps is a black box to us. It's possible that it uses Spotlight, but historically those kinds of system functions were done by the OS detecting movement of apps (i.e. a user dragging an app into /Applications) and using that opportunity to look inside of the app for anything interesting it should know about.

    Most clone tools will allow you to configure some exceptions. I recommend you add an exception to have it not clone 1Password's app. You can always download it again from our server if need be. As @Megan mentioned, keeping a zipped/compressed copy of it around would also work if you need to be able to get up and running using the clone drive without a net connection later to download the app from us.


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