1 password for 2 macs, 2 different master passwords

Community Member

I've used 1 password for several years and would like to add my wife's mac with my license. Is it possible that we can have separate master passwords, or do I need to purchase a separate license for her mac?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Where did you buy your copy of 1P. If from the Mac App Store you can install it on your wife's machine if you use both use the same Apple ID—or if you've enabled family sharing (if you're running OS X Yosemite). If you downloaded 1P from the AgileBits store your licence terms include this:

    Our software is licensed per person and per platform, not per device. Each user and each platform requires a license. Licenses can be shared by up to six family members living in the same household. Licenses can not be transfered or re-sold.

    In other words, you can effectively share your licence with your wife. Certainly you can both have separate master passwords.


  • wrke
    Community Member

    I purchased it directly from Agilebits, probably before the App store existed.

  • wrke
    Community Member

    I don't know how to do separate master passwords . . . where are instructions?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    With regard to separate master passwords you (or your wife) will simply create her own master password when you, or she, installs 1P on her machine. There is no need for that master password to be the same as yours.

    However, are you really saying that you want your wife to have access to all (or some) of the data you currently have in 1P? If so, please post again and someone will help. If you do want that please let us know if you want to share all, or only some, of your 1P data with your wife.


  • wrke
    Community Member

    What I'd like is for us to have separate, non-shared data. 1Password is already on her computer as it was on my former laptop she started using, then through several equipment upgrades (different iMacs). If I change the master password on her computer, would that also affect the master password on my 2 computers (my iMac and my MacBook Air)? And another question: I've been using 1Password since purchasing it several years ago, but when I just requested re-sending my license , I'm told it's for 1Password 3. But I've been using in 1Password 4. Is there a problem here?

    Thanks . . . I guess I'm easily confused

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    If I change the master password on her computer, would that also affect the master password on my 2 computers (my iMac and my MacBook Air)?

    No—not if they're not sync'd (which, from the sound of it, is the case).

    But I've been using in 1Password 4. Is there a problem here?

    Can you tell us, please, what it says about the version number in the window that opens when you go to 1P4 > About 1Password? Once we know that someone should be able to answer your question.


  • wrke
    Community Member

    It says 4.4.3

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I think we need someone from AgileBits to try to find out whether or not you have a licence for 1P4—or, indeed, whether the version you have might have been purchased from the Mac App Store (I'm not familiar enough with version numbers to know, sorry!).

    I'll ping @Megan‌ and @littlebobbytables‌ and one of them will help you.


  • wrke
    Community Member

    thank you

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @wrke,

    I've been using 1Password since purchasing it several years ago, but when I just requested re-sending my license , I'm told it's for 1Password 3. But I've been using in 1Password 4. Is there a problem here?

    I was able to locate a license for 1Password 3 in our back office records using the email address attached to your forum account. Now, the upgrade from 1Password 3 to 1Password 4 was a paid upgrade, so you might see a trial expired message in 1Password 4 soon. You can upgrade your license by entering your 1Password 3 details on our upgrade page - it will show you the discount you can get on a new license.

    Now, it sounds like @Stephen_C was able to help you out with your question about Master Passwords, but if you have any further questions about the process, please let me know and we'll work through that as well.

    ref: 396218

  • wrke
    Community Member

    Yes, Megan I did get the expired message when I looked for a license. Very strange as I've kept using 1P4 without any problems at all. It was only when I looked for the license that I got the expired message. I would have thought that it would have prevented me from still using 1P
    Once I get the license upgraded will it automatically transfer to my laptop and my wife's iMac? Thanks.

  • wrke
    Community Member

    Megan, when I try to upgrade and enter my 1P3 license, it says it's not an upgradeable license. Why not? When I go to the store, the only version available is 1P5 (no 1P4) and it says Yosemite is required. I'm running Mavericks and my wife is running Lion. How do I do this? I'm not ready for Yosemite and my wife does not want to change from Lion. Should I just continue using 1P4 without a license? Why isn't my license upgradeable?? What do I have to do?

  • wrke
    Community Member

    Megan, I was able to go to the upgrade site . . . I just have to copy and paste from the Agilebits email. I couldn't do it by keystroking it in. BUT, I want my license on 1P4 so that I can continue to use it. I don't have (or want) Yosemite yet.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @wrke‌

    If I've understood correctly you've managed to purchase a 1Password 4/5 licence at the discounted upgrade price, at least I hope I've understood correctly (please do correct me if I'm wrong).

    If you have then you should have received an email from us with a couple of links for downloading your licence file. The file will work on either 1Password 4 or 1Password 5 so you are under no pressure to upgrade to Yosemite. If you're having trouble this guide for Adding a license to 1Password may help.

    If your wife is running Lion (OS X 10.7) then 1Password 3 is the newest version she can run and assuming you already applied your licence key then there is nothing more to do there.

    Hopefully that all helps with the licensing aspect but if it doesn't please let us know. Can I ask, where do we stand on the separate vaults, are you happy that unless you specifically set up syncing that your vaults will be separate?

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