get google chrome extension popup opens every 5 seconds

Community Member

When I have 1password open, the "get the 1password google chrome extension" popup opens every 5 seconds. I don't want to install the browser extension. There is no way to make it stop except for closing 1password. It is very annoying and makes using the web browser impossible while 1password is running. Is there a way to permanently disable this popup?

If it matters, I bought 1password through the app store.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @agrieser‌

    I'm curious, why do you not want to install the browser extension? The browser extension is one of the handiest features in 1Password. It allows you to automatically save Logins as you fill them in, and once they're saved you can use 1Password to fill your details so that you never have to type passwords in again. Frankly, this convenience is why I started using a password manager in the first place!

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