
Community Member

I have 1password on several devices, Mac and IOS. Tried to sync on one Mac and ended up with double and tripl passwords. Please help. Thx.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @MeD‌ I have moved your post to the 1P for Mac forum where you will get more help. For a start, please tell us the version numbers of 1P you use on your Mac and on your iDevices. Please also tell us what sync method you are using.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MeD‌

    Please let us know the answers to Stephen_C's questions.

    If things got all messed up on one of your Macs you may find our automated backups may be of use. We backup as things change so there should be a backup prior to syncing. Restoring that backup could undo the damage but it depends on whether you changed or added a lot of entries that same day as the backup happens at most once a day unless manually performed. Let us know and I'm sure we can help out.

  • MeD
    Community Member

    Hi. I have 1password 5 and am using wifi.

  • Hi @MeD,

    When you say "double and triple passwords"... can I get a confirmation that you're getting 2 or 3 passwords within the same item, or are there now 2-3 items, each with 1 password?

    Have you disconnected and re-setup Wi-Fi sync recently? When you do that, if there are any items on either side of the fence that are different this can happen. Technically it's a conflict, and usually conflicts get placed under the Conflicts section for you to be able to deal with. There are cases where Conflicts are not put into the Conflicts section though (this should change and be more consistent in 1Password for Mac 5.1/1Password for iOS 5.2).


  • MeD
    Community Member

    Yes, there are 2 or three passwords for the same item.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MeD,

    Thanks for letting us know. Can you also let us know about @rickfillion's other question:

    Have you disconnected and re-setup Wi-Fi sync recently? When you do that, if there are any items on either side of the fence that are different this can happen. Technically it's a conflict, and usually conflicts get placed under the Conflicts section for you to be able to deal with. There are cases where Conflicts are not put into the Conflicts section though (this should change and be more consistent in 1Password for Mac 5.1/1Password for iOS 5.2).

    From your original description, it sounds like you might be using multiple Macs. In that case, are you syncing your iOS device(s) back and forth between those Macs using Wi-Fi sync? If so, you would need to disable Wi-Fi sync in the iOS app and set it up again with the other Mac each time you switch. I believe that's why Rick was asking about disconnecting & re-setting up Wi-Fi sync. If you can give us more information about all that, it will be helpful. Thanks!

  • MeD
    Community Member

    I use 1password 5 on an ipod, ipad and a mac. Never synced before. So it's really messed up. Don't know how to get them all synced for once.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MeD‌

    So if I understand correctly.

    1. you're running 1Password 5 on two iOS devices and a Mac.
    2. If you've never synced them before then you're saying you started with empty vaults on each and you've been adding items manually to each as needed.
    3. Then you decided it was time to synchronise them and this is where things went wrong, the result of which were multiple passwords.

    If you can let us know how accurate that summation is, it will help us understand what you're dealing with at the moment.

    I'd also be very interested in gaining a better insight into your 3 different vaults. Do you have unique items scattered over all three vaults and do you have any idea how much of each vault is unique to each?

    As for your Mac and trying to undo the sync damage. 1Password routinely backups up your vault so depending on how many changes or additions you've made since the sync, you could revert to an older backup.

    If you open 1Password and enter the preferences you will see a Backup tab, switch to it and you'll see a list of backup dates. Now don't worry if they aren't daily etc as 1Password will backup as often as once a day if there have been changes since the last one. If there haven't been any changes the another backup doesn't offer you anything. So you want to select the backup prior to the sync and with a backup selected, the Restore button will be enabled. Restoring a backup will cause 1Password to shut down as it's the only safe way to restore a database and when you open it up again the vault will be exactly as it was at the time of the backup.

    That won't sort out syncing but it will offer a one step way of undoing all the damage compared to manually checking and editing each item. Then we can work on getting sync working for you.

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