1Password Anywhere file (1Password.html) is not up to date with application data
Despite ongoing regular syncing via dropbox, my 1Password Anywhere is out of sync with my App. I have a 1Password.html file on dropbox that has a modified date of 10/06/14 despite having added many logins and passwords since.
Is there anyway to kickstart the 1Password.html file so that it's "in sync" with the app?
Hi @jaybee
1Password items are not contained within the 1Password.html file itself, so it would make sense that the modification date hasn't been updated. Normally the only time the 1Password.html file would be modified is if our developers were to update 1PasswordAnywhere itself.
That said, we certainly want to get to the bottom if why some items are not appearing there.
Can you please try something for me? Please try creating a Secure Note from each 1Password-enabled device you are syncing through Dropbox. Give each of them a unique name, such as "jaybee's iPhone." Then check 1PasswordAnywhere and see which, if any, of those notes show up. Also check each other device to see which notes appear. This should help give us a good idea of what is syncing, and what is not.
From that, please post the following information for each device:
- Did this device's note show up in 1PasswordAnywhere?
- Did it show up on the other devices?
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While performing your tests, I was able to see that my devices were syncing correctly (i.e. all unique notes from different devices appeared on each device AND 1PasswordAnywhere) and during the process discovered the solution to my problem.
It was strictly a case of errant thinking on my part and my not designating my search correctly in 1PasswordAnywhere.
When 1PasswordAnywhere opens, it automatically selects "Logins." I noticed this behavior but left it there because I mistakenly thought ALL of the latest "missing" additions to my vault were logins, but in fact, some were software licenses. The most notable of which was for a particular item which has a pretty, rich icon, so I mentally locked in on that as my gauge for whether things were making into 1PasswordAnywhere.
Once I did your test and saw that the notes were behaving normally, and since you'd stated that the modification date didn't necessarily indicate what was going on with the 1Password.html file, I decided to take a closer look.
Once I compared my list of all items in the application on the laptop, which is sorted by Date Created, I determined the category for each of the mystery items and searched in 1PasswordAnywhere using the appropriate categories and saw that things ARE behaving as expected.
So, wild goose chase!
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