Synchronizing 1PassWord Across Multiple Platforms
I am a licensed user of 1Password for Mac, IOS & for Windows. Currently I have my data residing in Apple's cloud and would like to move my data over to my LAN.
After reviewing the supporting documents for making this change, I want to confirm (before moving forward), that there is no way to have data shared between my Mac, my Windows device and my IOS devices. The documentation reads "as if" you can sync a Mac with EITHER IOS devices over a LAN or a windows device, but not both.
Would someone please confirm for me if I can successfully sync over my LAN, all three platforms?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @BarryWest
You aren't currently able to sync those three platforms using what we call Folder Sync. However you can still keep everything local if you wish.
You can use Folder Sync to keep your Windows and Macs synchronised and then on a single Mac you can also use Wi-Fi Sync in tandem and have your iOS device(s) sync with that single Mac.
So the caveats. You can synchronise your primary and secondary vaults using Folder Sync but you do have to be aware that 1Password always expects the sync location to be available and that both Dropbox and iCloud do the sync work for us. What does that mean for you? It means we recommend keeping the agilekeychain locally stored and using something like rsync or ChronoSync (or whatever sync program you maybe already own and are comfortable with) to keep the different machines synchronised. Using something like a NAS and rsync you could mimic Dropbox with a server as the middle point (for example). The trick is to remember that the agilekeychain is actually a package, a folder made to look like a single file to a Mac. Each item in your vault is a separate file so you need to compare files at that level to decide which is the newer.
With Wi-Fi Sync you can sync a single Mac to multiple iOS devices but at the moment it's limited to just the primary vault. Now that will be changing soon as they're testing all sorts of new Wi-Fi stuff in the latest Mac and iOS betas that some users are trialling. So the next release version may include support for synchronisation of secondary vaults - something I can't wait to see.
Does that help? if you have more questions please do fire away and we'll do our best to respond.