1Password loads old iCloud data

Community Member


I had some issues with Yosemite so I re-installed it from scratch. And I just re-installed 1Password from the Mac App Store.

When I launch 1Password, it finds iCloud data but doesn't accept my password. I try again and again, reboot the Mac, retry the password, etc. but the master password is still not accepted.

So I decided to restore 1P data from the latest backup (stored in TimeMachine). Then I can access 1Password with my master password.

I want to enable iCloud sync so my password is requested to merge the data, but once again my master password is not accepted!

In that preference pane, I see that the 1Password iCloud data last change date is April. So I enter the master password I used back in April and then it works.

So it looks like 1Password doesn't load my latest iCloud data, since my current master password is not accepted but an old one is.

iCloud + iCloud Drive are enabled on my 3 devices.

What can I do to solve that?


  • thibaut
    Community Member

    So I tried once again from scratch and it looks like the vault was up to date but the password was somehow an old one.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @thibaut,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble with the master password associated with your data in iCloud! Our developers are aware of a problem where a change to the master password doesn't sync to iCloud. They're working on fixing that, but in the meantime, if your new master password is still being used to unlock the 1Password app and your data is up to date, you should be able to solve the issue by following these steps:

    • Open 1Password and go to Help > Troubleshooting > Reset iCloud Data.
    • Click the button for Yes, Remove Remote Data.
    • You should see a message that confirms the data was reset and sync was disabled (click OK).
    • Go to 1Password > Preferences > Sync, and set up iCloud sync.

    Once you re-enable iCloud sync, the correct/current master password will be associated with your 1Password data in iCloud. If you need more help with that, just let us know. Thanks!

  • thibaut
    Community Member

    Okay so that's a workaround but can you imagine the trouble if I didn't remember the old master password I used months ago? :(

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @thibaut‌

    If you have been in the position where your only source for your vault was iCloud then you're correct, that would have been an awful position to be in. Thankfully in your instance you had your backups and other working copies of 1Password meaning that resetting iCloud was always possible. We're hoping the next release of 1Password 5 will sort out a few issues with syncing so an update worth getting when it comes.

    I'm glad you at least had a happy resolution to your story but I do take on board it could have been much worse.

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