Dropbox sync is disconnected
I can not get dropbox syncing to work. When I looked at ALL of my devices and on the Dropbox web site, the last sync was in mid-november. I don't know why it would all of a sudden stop working.
I changed two passwords today and lost both of them when I tried to resync with Dropbox. Lost over an hour of my work day trying to fix it. I really do not have the time anytime soon to work through topics searching for a reason and a fix for this issue. Perhaps someone can tell me if this is a known issue and save me some time and direct me to step by step instructions to fix dropbox syncing issues.
p.s. the OTHER password manager I use as a backup is having no issues syncing with dropbox
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Can you let us know if you have one copy of your database that is complete? It simplifies an approach to getting back to normal if there is one copy that has everything.
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I did until I tried to resync. Now I do not.
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I can designate the one copy I am using on my work laptop as the "complete" copy.
Under the 1Password Preferences -> Sync: it says, Syncing with Dropbox and if I look at the file listed under that in the Finder, the dates for created, modified, last opened, and date are the same, November 13th. However, it says that it was synced recently, so not sure why at least some of the dates wouldn't change.
This is on my MacBook Pro (latest Yosemite).
I checked in Dropbox on the laptop to make sure Dropbox was picking up from the same folder 1Password is supposed to sync with ---- it is.
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Hi @birdhop,
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been having trouble keeping things synced up lately.
First of all, I'd just like to explain a bit more about that 'modified' date you're seeing. The 1Password.agilekeychain is actually a file bundle with several folders containing all your data inside. For example: 1Password.agilekeychain/data/default. (You can see the file structure yourself by right-clicking on the 1Password.agilekeychain file and selecting 'Show Package Contents'.)
Since the operating system only changes the 'Date Modified' for the next level folder, the date modified on the 1Password.agilekeychain itself will not reflect if/when changes have been made within the data/default folder. So, please don't use that as a guide for if 1Password is synced up.
I've got a few basic things that we want to check regarding Dropbox first, before we get into the serious troubleshooting:
- Please ensure that Dropbox is installed and running on your computer
- Check that you are logged in with the same account on all computers and devices
- Confirm that Dropbox sync is selected in 1Password > Preferences > Sync on your Mac
- Confirm that Dropbox is selected in Settings > Sync on your iOS device
- Confirm that both your Mac and iOS device are reading from the same file path in Dropbox.
If all of those items check out, let's run a test and see where things are getting tripped up:
- Create a test entry on your Mac ("Test, Mac") and add some data
- Create a test entry on each of your iOS devices ("Test, iPhone/iPad") and add some data
- Does "Test for Mac" show up on either of your iOS devices?
- Does "Test for iPhone" and/or "Test for iPad" show up on your Mac?
- Log in to the Dropbox website and click on the 1Password.html file inside your 1Password.agilekeychain folder
- Enter your Master Password
- Do either or any of your test entries show up in your database here?
Please let me know the results of this little experiment - once we have a better idea of where things are going sideways, we should be able to get this straightened out simply for you :)
I also notice that you did not include any version numbers in your original post. Just to be sure I'm giving you the best instructions when moving forward, please let me know the version numbers both of 1Password and your operating systems for all computers and devices currently running 1Password.