iCloud-CloudKit Work Around Suggestion

Community Member

Guys, I know that I am only one of many users who purchased version 5 for mac from the webstore and would like to use iCloud syncing. I read the information on why its not supported in the webstore version 5 and understand apple not wanting to support transferring. However, what if you created a separate mac app store version that was only for users who purchased the agile bits version and wanted to transfer in order to use iCloud syncing. You could price this second MAS app at next to nothing (or free) but it would initially look for the agilebits webstore version license and if not found then it doesn't run. Once running you could then delete the webstore version, leaving only the webstore license file behind of future use. I use a great application that tracks both website logins and software purchases, you know 1password 5, and having invested well over $100 for 2 version 3 licenses, a version 5 upgrade license and multiple iPhone and iPad license, I certainly don't want to spend another $50 to transfer. However, I have never found dropbox syncing to be as reliable as iCloud as I am sure you know since you rebuilt version syncing for iCloud. So what do you think or perhaps some other creative idea for making this work. I realize there are other methods of syncing, but iCloud syncing seems to be extremely reliable and it just works. Also, I truly don't remember when I purchased the webstore version seeing a notice that iCloud sync would not work. If I did miss it then my apologies. If not, please make it big and bold for future customers! Your response would be appreciated. -Ken


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kenmsmith‌

    I really do understand why you're asking and the entire situation isn't one we wanted either. We are limited in options though. As you've noted Apple don't offer the ability to migrate users over, they don't actually even offer the ability to offer discounts to selective users e.g. upgrade prices. They also do not like it if you try to circumnavigate their policies. So I fear your suggestion or others like it, if perceived by Apple as a way to avoid giving them their cut would cause us to be ejected from MAS completely. Do you remember a couple of years ago and Apple's stance on newspapers and magazines taking subscriptions on their web sites and supply the subscription to a free app in the store? I know that's not your intent but you also have to think about how it will be viewed by other parties. Sorry.

    If you're having troubles with Dropbox we can try investigating to see if there's any particular reason why it's appearing to be unreliable for you. I know a lot of people including us here at AgileBits use Dropbox so I don't believe there is any intrinsic deep flaw with Dropbox - otherwise we'd never use it let alone recommend it. Let us know if that's something you'd like to do.

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