Multi-Page Login

Community Member

I am using 1Password 5 for Mac. I followed the steps to set up a multi-page login for an investment account and it failed. I receive an error message from the website saying that my username is incorrect. I then have to copy and paste for each page. It would be nice to speak to someone at your company to help resolve this. If not, can you suggest solutions to try?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    So long as the URL is not confidential it would be helpful if you'd let us know it so someone can test it.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tlcinfw9‌

    AgileBits do actively monitor the forums (although trying to get to a thread before Stephen_C is nigh on impossible :wink: ) so if you need input from one of us we will respond. If we need any information that might be deemed remotely confidential or a solution is quite involved we will of course take it to email but we're focussing on the forums at the moment as our ticketing system is still overtaxed at the moment and we hope the forums will result in faster response times for our customers.

    If you've been following the guide for Creating a multi-page Login did you also try creating one Login item per page if the single Login item failed to work? Given the massive variety in how page can be constructed we do sometimes come across pages that don't easily work, usually financial sites to be honest. Sometimes one approach won't work while another will.

    As Stephen_C said, if we know the URL you may find somebody has already asked about that site and an answer already exists. Let us know and we can continue from there :smile:

  • tlcinfw9
    Community Member

    Yes. I tried two login items, but the one containing the username did not fill in the blank. The URL is Thanks.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tlcinfw9‌

    Now I don't have an account there which can make troubleshooting tougher but if I followed our Saving a Login Manually guide I can create a Login that seems to work for filling in the username.

    Now because the site in question has made the username a password field 1Password erroneously stores it as a password but it still submits for me.

    Can you confirm that this isn't working for you please. I checked the contents of the field after filling and it matched what I expected it to. Clicking on the Continue button failed but mostly because I used a made up username (I believe).

  • BrooksGroup
    Community Member


    I've been trying to create a multi-page login and it doesn't work for any of the website(s) I use. The only thing that has worked for me is creating a separate login per page, that would require login information. I would like to see the multi–page login option work, and I've most definitely followed all of the steps online to the T, but what I find is that the first login information (username or password) gets replace with the second step of saving the (username or password) and doesn't add the information as though it's additional information. It saves it as though I've changed the information.

    Please Advise...

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @BrooksGroup‌

    Because multi-page Logins are all unique, some webpages will require a separate Login for each page. Now, if 1Password isn't properly updating your Login in the second page, have you tried manually adding your password to the existing Login entry? Does 1Password fill correctly if the password is manually added?

    We'd be happy to troubleshoot this further. If you're willing to share a few of the URLs that are misbehaving for you, we'll do some testing on our end. :)

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