Backup issues

Community Member

I currently have my 1Password synced with DropBox. Two questions:

1) Does this mean that if my computer and all backups were lost, the file on DropBox would be sufficient to rebuild my 1P files with passwords on a new replacement computer?

2) I back up to multiple external HDs, all but one of which do not have Time Machine. Is saving the DropBox 1P file onto the external HD sufficient to back up all of my data or is there other info in the libraries I'd need?

3) What if I lost my computer and all I have is a slightly outdated version of the backup (either on DropBox or a TimeMachine that was not recently backed up)—would that simply create an outdated version of my data or would it not work at all?



  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Scottro‌

    Personally I would say you are far better to copy the 1Password backup files. There are certain situations where synchronisation may not be perfect but under normal circumstances that isn't an issue because of the internal vault which is stored in an .sqlite database file. This database file is what is saved when 1Password makes its backups.

    The easiest way to locate your backup files is if you open 1Password and enter the preferences. In there switch to the Backup tab and click on the Show Files button. This will open a Finder window at the location of the backups. If you copy these not only do you have what I would consider a better backup but you can copy multiple backup files and maintain a sort of version control of your vault, something not possible with the .agilekeychain.

    Now saying that, if you lost all copies except the Dropbox data you would in most situations find it to be a perfect copy of your vault and to answer your third question, you can always used a slightly out of date backup and limit your losses to only whatever you added or changed after that point. The only time an old backup wouldn't work is if the backup itself was corrupted.

    If you have any more questions or feel I haven't answered yours in enough detail etc. please let us know.

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