Force Master password before open safari/chrome

Community Member

Hi! I just loaded 1Password on my macbook, but am concerned it doesn't do what I was hoping it would do. When I signed on to my MacBook I can get on to all my sites (FB, Twitter etc) without having to put in my mater password. I was hoping for this level of security. Just having them all locked in the vault doesn't keep my accounts safe if my computer gets stolen and hacked into. Is there a way to force the master password before opening one of my accounts or even starting safari/chrome?



  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    When I signed on to my MacBook I can get on to all my sites (FB, Twitter etc) without having to put in my mater password.

    Is it possible your logins for those sites are already saved in your OS X Keychain? (You can check by running the Keychain Access utility.) 1Password will certainly not log you in to any site completely automatically (i.e., without some intervention from you).


  • Hi @RATW,

    As mentioned by Stephen_C, if you were using your browser's password manager to fill in these data, it will continue to do so alongside with 1Password. You have to disable and remove the data from your browser's password manager and afterward, 1Password will only fill after you unlock with your master password.

    You can find out how to do that here:

    I hope that helps.

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