Using 1Password for Two Passwords

Matt Boettger
Matt Boettger
Community Member

My USAA account uses two levels of passwords: one is a normal password and then there is the following request for my static four digit pin number. Is there a way to integrate these two passwords into one login? I hope this question makes sense. Thanks!


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Matt Boettger

    My first suggestion here would be to Save a New Login Manually. This allows 1Password to learn which fields it should fill, even if they're less than standard.

    Is 1Password able to fill properly after saving a Login in this manner?

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited January 2015

    I have two separate logins for my USAA account, one for the main page (username and password) and the scond for the PIN. Should there be a way to do this in a single record? I must be behind the times if there is. (That is entirely possible!) I thought multipage logins required multiple login records.

    Edit: Never mind. I found the instructions in the knowledge base. Will try it for USAA.

    Edit 2: When I tried saving the second page as an update to the existing record that I made from the first page, it overwrote the first page. I guess two separate records are needed for this site.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @Matt Boettger

    Sadly we do still come across some sites where nothing short of two Login items will work. It isn't ideal but at least it still allows you to have everything stored in 1Password. We're always trying to improve on this though.

  • dont
    Community Member

    Hi Matt, it's not so much that I want you to get 1P to automate the second part of the login, but to not ASK ME EVERY TIME to save that part of the login. (i.e. Give me a way to change "Not Now" to "Not for the Next NN Days" or "Not On This Page" or the like)

    Of course, then I realize there's the danger that the matching to the main URL would mean that it wouldn't ask to change the 1P password if/when I do change it. That would be trouble too of course.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dont,

    It just so happens that there is a way to ensure that 1Password doesn't prompt you to save this part of the Login. If you're looking at the 'Save new Login' popup, simply click the gear icon in the corner and select "Never for this site". Alternatively, just go to Preferences > Browser and add the URL to the 'exceptions' list below the 'Automatically ask to Save new Logins' option.

    I hope this helps!

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