Is there a way to keep folders and security audit open (showing instead of hiding) all the time?
Community Member
in Mac
I would like to see my folders and security audit all the time. The default is hide. Is there a way to make that happen. If not how do I add this request to the "to do" list for Agilebits?
Hi @lorilatham,
That's actually a bug - those things shouldn't keep collapsing in the sidebar of 1Password. Fortunately, that should be fixed in an update we just released today!
If you're using the Agile Web Store version of 1Password for Mac, open the main 1Password app and go to the menu for 1Password > Check for Updates. If you're using the Mac App Store version, open the Mac App Store and check the Updates section.
Once you install version 5.1, that problem should go away. If you have more problems with that, please let us know. Thanks! :smiley:
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