Will 2 import events cause duplicate signins?

Community Member

I haven't used 1PW for several months, used another product that I exported my PW's to. Now I want to return to 1PW and export the PW's back to 1PW. Will this cause duplicates and problems or should I delete 1PW, reinstall it and try importing the other program's CSV file?


  • MikeT
    edited January 2015

    Hi @avux2015,

    It depends on the export file. 1Password does check for duplicates as it imports but if the data is slightly different, it will import it as a duplicate rather than merging them in.

    If the other product has all of the updated information, I'd suggest removing the current data file from 1Password (reinstalling does not reset the data), and import your data in a new data file. This guide will explain how to start over with a new data file: https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-mac-kb/5/en/topic/starting-over

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