Dear Agilebits, the nightmare of syncing.
So I tried to sync my iPhone and Mac (latest versions on both). That failed. It took me a while (a long while) to realise I had the web version on the Mac and couldn't use iCloud. That fail aside, I switched to Dropbox. My iPhone connected and said it had created a file on Dropbox. My Mac also wanted to create a file. Why? Because one put the key file in the apps/1Password folder and the other in the main directory under a 1password folder. It took me a while to realise this. There was much confusion, because the Mac told me to select the Dropbox folder and not the file my iPhone had created.
Agilebits, why does all of this have to be such a pain? I figured it all out. I wonder how many won't bother.
Hi @r10k
No piece of software is ever perfect and of course we will continue to work on improving interfaces where needed. iCloud support used to be available in both versions (see Dave Teare's announcement, iCloud Changes in the Website Version of 1Password 5) so we're still adjusting where needed because of this. For those using iCloud though it's pretty much the case of simply turning it on, following Apple's KISS approach (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Sometimes though simplicity hinders the needs of the user and this is where Dropbox has several advantages. Unfortunately utilising a far more adaptable system though does allow for more opportunities where new users can be tripped up and this is something we can work on.
I can think of a few changes that might help alleviate this (obviously to varying degrees) so thank you for your post. Hearing about different users' experiences is useful and I'm glad you persevered. Hopefully it will be worth the initial hurdles that you've had.
If you ever have questions in future we are here to do what we can.