Logging into IMac with second user identity
I just installed 1password for Mac today on my IMac 27" Mid 2011 running Yosemite OS X 10.10.2. My husband and I share the computer and we each have our own identity. I originally downloaded the software under his id because we use his apple id to purchase most apps. When I logged out of his id and logged into mine and try to open 1password I get the following dialogue box: (I'm New to 1 password or I used 1 password before) - select one. I choose have used before and get the following: Where is your data? Please select one of the available options to continue: iCloud, dropbox, This Mac, Another Device or Restore from backup. It then asks me to select the file location. WHAT DO IT DO HERE? I have tried to select this Mac but don't know where to find the file location. Could not find this answer in the manual. I have not yet downloaded the app on any devices - I wanted to sort out the IMac first.
Hi @oneillmm,
Like many applications, 1Password stores the user's data in their profile. To share a single vault between the two of you will require a little configuration but it's very possible.
So to proceed forward you'll need to make a couple of decisions which if you make now can potentially make everything easier later.
So you said you downloaded the software on his user account because of his Apple ID. That strongly suggests you've purchase the Mac App Store (MAS) version of 1Password.
- What we would need to know is were you intending to share just a single vault between the two of you that held everything, it's certainly an option.
- You could also both have your own personal vaults (that would be the primary) with your own Master Passwords. Then you could use a secondary vault to hold all the common passwords for sites that you share.
Which you chose can have an impact on what options are best suited to you.
It would useful to know if you both share an Apple ID for iCloud or if you keep separate ones. I assume this holds true for any iOS devices you may be wanting to throw into the mix later.
It would also be useful to know if you have any synchronisation preferences. Some people simply don't like using the cloud at all for any of their data. Some have a strong opinion of Dropbox over iCloud. You might not care at all and simply want whatever works the easiest - that's a perfectly acceptable answer too.
With this we can properly guide to a solution that will work not just for now but for as many machines and devices that you wish to add later.
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Thanks for the response - I will try to answer all of your questions.
1) I did purchase 1 password from the Mac App Store
2) It is okay if we each have our own vault and then use a shared one for common passwords
3) We each have our own apple id but due to long history of sharing a mac and buying music on iTunes - we have usually used his apple id for things like music and app purchases. This has actually caused us a lot of problems that I still am trying to sort through.
4) We each also have iPhones ( his- iPhone 5s, mine - iPhone 6plus), iPads - (his- original, mine, iPad 2new), he also uses a mac laptop
5) I use iCloud for backing up everything, he does not.
Any other questions for me? I also want to know if I need to purchase an additional app to sort passwords on our mobile devices. Thanks
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You need the iOS app for your iDevices. This is free for basic use. You may want the extra Pro features for iDevices, for which there is an in-app charge. If you only want to pay for this once, you will need to use the same Apple ID for all installs, as Apple does not allow family sharing on in-app purchases. For the (free) app itself, and possibly for other apps and music you might want consider family sharing.
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Hi @oneillmm,
Thanks, that helped. Now you didn't express any strong opinions on the actual sync method employed so given you would like to use a secondary vault for shared passwords here is what I would suggest.
In your user account launch 1Password and follow through the steps for Running 1Password for the first time. This will create a new and empty primary vault for you. I'd recommend adding even just a single item so the vault contains something.
Create a Secondary vault for the items you will eventually share. We have a page for Create a new vault too. Again, create an item just so it isn't empty, it can be a toy item if you wish.
Now you will want to create Dropbox accounts for both you and your husband. You will need to set up Dropbox syncing in both user accounts but don't worry, Dropbox will take you through the steps.
With Dropbox sync set up you will now start by setting up syncing for your Primary vault, this guide on Sync with Dropbox should act as a good primer. When you point 1Password to where your new Dropbox folder is (usually it's
in a path means your user account e.g./Users/oneillmm/Dropbox
) it will suggest you use~/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain
. That's a good a place as any.Let that sync and now we'll move onto your secondary vault. Now we're going to share a folder between your two Dropbox accounts so I'd recommend you make a new folder, say titled
and when you set up syncing for your secondary vault make sure you select that folder and not just your Dropbox one. You'll know it's correct if the final path is says it wants to use is~/Dropbox/1Password-Shared/...
. Much of this can be found in our guide titled Share a vault. That guide will also show you how to share that folder so it appears in your husbands Dropbox too.At this stage your account is pretty much set up. You've got a primary and secondary vault and both are synced to Dropbox.
If you switch to your husband's user account I believe he already has a primary vault that you set up before? I suspect that just because you were surprised when you were asked if you were a new user or not in your first post. So if you haven't already you want to set up Dropbox for you husband and you should find he can also see the
folder. Unlock 1Password and to add the secondary vault to his 1Password all you need to do is double click on the .agilekeychain in the1Password-Shared
folder. 1Password will ask if you would like to add it as a secondary vault and take you through the steps. All that is left is to sync your husband's primary vault with his Dropbox which you can do exactly like you did with yours. Don't worry that 1Password will suggest to add it to~/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain
while it looks like the same path that particular folder isn't being shared between you so it's all safe.You now have a primary vault each and one shared secondary. Personally I'd recommend keeping the Master Password for your secondary vault in your primary one. The very first secondary vault I had I forgot the Master Password to because I wasn't routinely asked for it unlike my Master Password for my Primary vault.
Now you can try 1Password for iOS for free so you can load it onto your iOS devices and then connect to your Dropbox accounts. You can sync your primary vault for the moment using our Sync with Dropbox (iOS) guide but if you want to use secondary vaults it will require the Pro features from our in-app purchase. Now the bad news is Apple don't let you share in-app purchases but if all of your iOS purchases are through his Apple ID then it should be a single purchase required. Otherwise it would be one per Apple ID.
Now that's a lot to digest but once you've done all of that once that's meant to be it, syncing should be automatic and require not input from you.
So read over everything a couple of times, make sure you feel happy with what's being required and if you have any questions do please ask :smile: