How to transfer family license from Web Store to Apple App Store?
we paid $$$ for the family license on the web store. In order to use the iCloud sync feature we need to switch to the App Store version. Ok. Now: As we are three users in the family, do we have to purchase on the App Store one or THREE (?) licenses? Actually, if we purchase one, can the three users still use 1Password separately from each other?
Hi @TT62,
So the bad news first. Sadly we can't transfer an Agile Web Store (AWS) licence to Apple's Mac App Store (MAS). They don't offer such a functionality and neither is there a way to offer you a discount to reduce the cost. I do apologise but those aspects are out of our control.
Now there is a way where a single MAS licence will cover you all and yes, no matter what you can all still use 1Password independently in reference to your vaults - vaults are never connected the licence.
Actually there are two options for sharing a MAS licence. The first is if all machines use the same Apple ID for the App Store then all the machines can download anything that has been purchased on that Apple ID. If you've all been making separate purchases than that becomes messy. That used to be the only option. Now though there is something called Family Sharing. This is where you link up several Apple IDs and purchases such as MAS or iTunes purchases are now shared. The potential downside is all purchases go though the controlling person's credit card. Say say you're the parent with the IT knowledge, that would mean you'd probably set it up where you're the main person of this family sharing unit and that means your credit card would be used for all purchases. The plus side is you could purchase 1Password (MAS) and everybody can download and use it. For more information on Apple's Family Sharing here is a link to their page.
If you have any further questions do please ask :smile: