1PassWord5 Not Syncing with Mac and iOS Device
I have 1PassWord5 installed on 2 Macs & 1 iOS device. Syncing is being handled through DropBox. I am running some tests and have noticed that when I change info on 1 of the Macs, it does not show up on the other or the iOS device. I have verified my connectivity to DropBox. And the App shows that it has synced recently.
Not sure how to troubleshoot this effectively.
Hi @LesF,
I'm really sorry to hear that syncing isn't working as well as it should. Is it at all possible that you have two agilekeychain files in dropbox, and that the one Mac is connected to one and the other Mac/iOS device are connected to another? I bring up that scenario simply because I accidentally did this myself just last week. To check this, open up Preferences > Sync on the two Macs. Select the primary vault in the list, and it should show you the path it's using in the dropbox. Are they the same on both Macs? If so, then that rules that out.
Next step would be to test to see if changes from the other devices make it to this Mac. Is it just changes that this Mac does that doesn't get pushed to the others? Does it pick up the changes from the iOS device?
Is it at all possible that dropbox sync on that one Mac is paused/disabled? Does syncing other files work with it?
A great troubleshooting technique to use for Dropbox syncing is 1PasswordAnywhere. 1PasswordAnywhere lets you see the data that's in dropbox. So that means we can properly test to see if a device is pushing their changes to dropbox (as opposed to trusting its little label that tells us it did). We have a guide on how to use 1PasswordAnywhere. It's easy and doesn't require downloading anything. Just need to use the dropbox website.
If you get me this info, that'll be a great start towards determining what's going on here, or at least lead us in the right direction. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Hi @rickfillion Well it seems that DropBox on my MacBook Air was not syncing properly. I figured that out when I realized that the number of Logins matched between my iMac & iPhone, but not my MacBook Air. To solve the issue, I simply unlinked my DropBox account from my MacBook Air -- and then ReLinked it. Presto Chango! The world is a better place.
BTW, everything else was syncing fine with the MB Air. Very odd. But clearly not a 1Password issue.
Thanks for your help! Much appreciated.
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I am having basically the same problem, with one Mac and my iPhone and iPad, and I think Dropbox IS the problem.
I tested this by adding a random .jpeg file to my "Personal" folder in my Dropbox folder on my Mac. It DID NOT show up on my phone, or even on a web browser while I was logged-in at Dropbox.com.
Now I'm trying to figure out how to get Dropbox working! I'll try @LesF's suggestion about disconnecting Dropbox from my Mac. Wish me luck, and thank you all for sharing your ideas...