Business & Personal Vaults

Community Member


I have a vault on my work computer that connects to 1Password that is licensed to my employer.
I have a personal vault that is on my personal computer that connects to a 1password that is licensed to me.
I would like to be able to access both vaults on either computer. How do I go about doing this?

I do not want to merge the vaults as my employer has the ability to remove the 1password from my work device and that, I assume if merged, would mean I loose my data.



  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @sachutney,

    Assuming you're using 1Password 4 or 5 on each Mac, you can sync each Primary vault to the other Mac as a secondary vault. You'll need to set up Dropbox sync for your Primary vault on one Mac, then add that vault to 1Password on the other Mac. If you're using the same Dropbox account on both Macs, here are the steps you would take:

    • On your personal Mac, open 1Password and set up Dropbox sync for your Primary (personal) vault.
    • On your work Mac, open your Dropbox folder and find the .agilekeychain file you created for your personal vault.
    • Double-click that keychain file, and 1Password should offer to add it as a secondary vault.
    • Repeat these steps to sync your work vault with Dropbox and add it as a secondary vault on your personal Mac as a secondary vault.

    When setting up Dropbox sync for the Primary vault on each Mac, keep in mind that you'll need to create a different .agilekeychain file for each. If you sync the Primary vault on both Macs with the same keychain file in Dropbox, that will merge your personal and work vaults together (which you said you don't want to do).

    Once it's all setup, your personal Mac should have your personal data in the Primary vault, and your work data in the secondary vault. On your work Mac, the order of those vaults will be the opposite.

    I hope this helps, but if you're confused about anything or need more help, please let us know. Thanks!

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