Sign in using another service

Community Member

A lot of services are now allowing you to sign into them using another service, ie: Twitter, Facebook, Google.

I would still like to record the fact I have an account at one of these places within 1Password.

Would it be possible to allow an option when you add a new Login item for example, to have a custom field named "Signs in with" and then a dropdown could be provided that lists all other login items in your vault. You could then choose the login item for Twitter or Facebooked etc.

I would assume that if you then went and looked at the login item for Twitter or Facebook then a new item could also be shown there which shows "Other items using this login".

I think this would be a fantastic addition which would help people keep their online lives in order even more!

As it may be evident from this messages. I use 1Password to keep track of anywhere I give personal info to. So for example, if I give a website my email address I will tell the login item that, if I ever change my address I can use 1Password to find everywhere that has the old address and get them to update it.

Kind regards,


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rctneil,

    How do you feel about this?

    A Login item can have multiple website fields. So one way to allow this is to add the login URLs for the different sites to the Login item for the authenticating service.

    So say site X allows you to log in using Facebook, if you add site X's login URL to your Facebook Login item then it should all work seamlessly and it won't require anything on your part when you change your Facebook password.

    What I would suggest is manually adding the URL and seeing how that works. You can even edit the field's title so instead of website 2 etc. you can label them with the site's name instead. This particular feature isn't one I make great use of really as I'm not on Twitter, Facebook and I do my best to minimise my Google account usage. As a result I'm not the kind of person they're trying to target with the likes of OpenID.

    Let us know how you get along.

  • rctneil
    Community Member


    That is exactly what i've been doing since I started using 1Password and yes it is a bit of a workaround but it works.

    My suggestion was really more of an expansion to this functionality as to how it could possibly work.

    Having a login item for site X that is separate to the Twitter / Facebook login item will allow a user to store arbitrary information that is related to site X but NOT Twitter / Facebook.

    I just feel that a field to choose another Login Item from site X's login item and a list of all associated logins that use Twitter / Facebook 's items could be highly beneficial.

    I could mockup some screenshots if that would help you guys understand what I am suggesting if you'd like?

    Yeh, this wasn't really a "How do I do this" question and was meant to be more of a "I workaround this issue currently but feel it could be implemented better like this" question.


  • Hi @rctneil,

    Basically, what you want is for 1Password to record a history of all Logins that uses OAuth with your specific OAuth Logins. If Site A does OAuth with Google and you used your Google's item to log into Site A, you want some kind of a record of that in Site A to build a history for you to review later.

    One way you can easily do this is via tagging, just tag each item with the specific OAuth service. When you click on the tag on the sidebar, you'd see all the items tagged with that one, giving you the history you want. Plus, 1Password does auto-complete the tags, so if you start each one with OAuth, like this:

    When 1Password auto-save on the new site, you can tag it in there as well:

    I'm not sure a dedicated custom field for the OAuth Login would be more useful than the tag. If we do add this, what would you want 1Password to do with it?

  • rctneil
    Community Member

    Hey Mike, I realise you can do that as well but I feel that that is yet another workaround for the issue.

    What I am proposing is another feature (another selling point for you to advertise on maybe?).

    From the point of view of the site using a third party OAUTH system:
    A new field type "oAuth Provider", this would allow you to choose a pre-existing Login Item. Maybe it could auto suggest to keep things easy. This would (in the background) add the website of the third party to the websites list on the oAuth providers login item so it works for autofilling on the sites themselves.

    From the point of view of the site being the OAUTH provider:
    An area inside the Login Item to show all other Login items that rely on this one.

    I know 100% that all this can be done with workarounds, but surely it would be useful to have functionality built in that accommodates all this and helps a user out rather than a user having to figure it out for themselves?

    This functionality would basically bake in the two workaround functions into native functionality which would improve organisation for your customers in their vaults.

    Using the workarounds, two things need to be done, adding the third party sites URL to the oAuth providers Login item AND adding a tag to the third party site's login item. I know it's not difficult in any sense. I'm just trying to provide ideas to help you create a better 1Password. Nothing more than that!

    I hope my point gets across.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rctneil,

    The one small comment I would like to make (and not against your suggestion at all) is the use of the website field wasn't meant as a workaround, that's actually it's entire point, to allow you to log into multiple sites using a single set of login credentials.

    That minor aspect aside, your posts are nice and descriptive and I believe I fully picture what you're suggesting. What I need to do now is take all of that and create a feature request.

    I do have one aspect of doubt I'm afraid. When we sync 1Password either through Dropbox or Folder Sync we still use the .agilekeychain format, a format still compatible with 1Password 3 and which a good few of our users still make use of. I am unsure we can change that format and incorporate what you suggest but that is merely unsure, it's up to the developers to review and evaluate (as well as implement :wink:).

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    That's the feature request created :smile:

    ref: OPM-2860

  • rctneil
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables AWESOME! Thanks.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rctneil,

    Thanks for the suggestion. :)

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