dropbox sync not working

Community Member

i use 1password on 2 computers (Mac) and have configured "Dropbox" for sync.
Then I inserted some passwords, logins and credit cards ... but on the other computer there is no update.
In the preferences I found only a message: "last update 1 hour ago"
I couldn't find a possibility for manual syncing.
What could be wrong? Or is it necessary to input all information on both computers?

Best regards


  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited February 2015


    No, for syncing you only need to input data on one machine. Are you using the same Dropbox account on both ? If not are they both using the same shared 1Password data file.

    You do have to have the Dropbox application installed, running and configured properly. It will not sync if the Dropbox app is not running. If you have a backlog of syncing other file sets through Dropbox, please allow some time for the 1Password data to sync up.

    Edit: Clarification : Some folks turn off Dropbox to save bandwidth while traveling etc. It will need to be running sync as it is not like the iOS APP which uses the API and doesn't require the app to be running.

    When you setup 1Password did you start the second occurrence as "I have used 1Password before" and allowed it to create a keychain. Or did you simply double click on the existing 1Password keychain ?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tupana,

    It certainly shouldn't be necessary to input the same information on both machines. In fact that would cause issues as each item has a UUID meaning 1Password wouldn't realise they actually refer to the same item. So getting syncing working is the right approach.

    Now you mentioned 1Password was saying sync was "last update 1 hour ago". Was that the machine where you updated or added the items or the machine that you assumed would pick up the changes or additions? That could make a difference.

    What will also help narrow down the location of the sync issue is if you were to try viewing a read-only version of your vault using 1PasswordAnywhere. If 1PasswordAnywhere shows the added/modified items then you know the machine pushing the updates did its bit and we need to look at the machine pulling the changes down. If the updates aren't there then it's the reverse.

    When you reply it might help if we can say Mac-1 & Mac-2 or some easy way of talking about the Mac where you made the updates and the one that doesn't have the updates. It will help reduce confusion for both you and us as we talk about it as with syncing almost always means more than one device.

    Once we gain a better insight into what is going on we can determine a course of action to get syncing going again.

  • tupana
    Community Member


    finally the sync was working (after about 1 day). after that the sync needs about 1-2 hours to transfer the changes to the other computer (both are permanently connected to the network with high speed internet connection).
    I also tried out iCloud, but this didn't work at all.
    I don't like the long delay in the sync process ... is there any option to trigger the sync manually? this would help a lot.

    Best regards

  • Hi @tupana,

    Sorry to hear sync's not working very well for you. Waiting hours for things to sync over is way too long. I suspect you're getting bit by a bug in Yosemite that I've personally seen twice that causes things like this to happen. When this bug is in effect, the data will sync to dropbox, and dropbox will sync it to the other machine nearly instantaneously, but 1Password doesn't get the signal telling it that things changed and it should go read the new data. Unfortunately the only workaround for this bug at the moment is to do a manual sync. You can do a manual sync by locking and unlocking the vault. As soon as the vault gets unlocked a sync is triggered. We really should add a 'Sync' button on the Mac like we have on iOS. The good news is that the Yosemite bug tends to fix itself automatically after a day or so. I'm really hoping that Apple fixes it as part of the next update to OS X.

    This all assumes that you're running 1Password 5 on Yosemite. If that's not the case let me know and we can look at other possible causes.


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