Possibility to save login info in secondary Vault (safari Plugin)

Community Member

As this discussion was closed, I couldn't add a comment. :(
I have a similar problem. If I click on the blue circle icon in the save as box, I can select the correct vault. (Seems a complicated way round, especially as there is a dropdown menu on the vault name - but it works.)
However if I want to update the item that already exits in this newly selected vault, it's name doesn't always display in the drop down box and I can't type it in. So I have to save it as a new item and then edit the two items accordingly in no1psw - which is tedious and error prone.
Your assistance please would be appreciated.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @SoMuch2Do,

    So you've switched to the correct vault and selected the drop down menu option to Update existing Login in XXX vault. However, with the text field now changed to the drop down menu the specific Login isn't present (but I'm assuming another is for the update option to be enabled in the first place). So in the following screenshot it is missing from the visible list?

    The field is populated based on the website field of the Login items. Can I ask, how does the website field compare between the item you were forced to create and the existing one that you wanted to update?

  • SoMuch2Do
    Community Member

    HI @littlebobbytables
    I think I may have worked out what was going on. For some reason all my domain passwords on my hosting account suddenly stopped working. There was a change made to the Cpanel by the hosting company. So I have been changing the passwords for these domains through the WHM facility. This of course then triggers NO1PSW to ask if I want to save the change - but the website address is not for the domain I want - it is for the WHM address on my reseller account. Therefore there is no match, which I think is what you were asking.
    Thanks for your help.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2015

    Hi @SoMuch2Do (Christine),

    That would certainly explain what you're seeing.

    Now if you often reset passwords via your reseller account you could consider adding that address to the other Login items (so they have two website fields each). That way they should be offered up as an option when you reset the password but the downside is when you're logging into your reseller account it would offer up all the Login items as valid. They could be slightly negated by making your reseller Login item a favourite meaning it should always be at the top of the list.

    It's mostly just a suggestion. You might find it helps but you may find it gets in the way of how you like to use 1Password. It might be worth trying with a couple to see what you think though.

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