iCloud Sync has stopped working between MAC and iOS devices

Community Member

I have 1Password5 on an iPhone5S and 2 iPads and set up sync via iCloud with 1Password5
Version 5.1 (510027), Mac App Store. I had noted that sync has stopped working. I have disabled sync on all iOS devices and the MAC (Yosemite 10.10.2) and then deleted data in iCloud as you suggest. I have then tried to re-start iCloud Sync on the MAC (it has the most up to date and complete data) everything appears to work but the sync is still not working when I re-start on the iOS devices. I do not get any error and the sync appears to proceed but it is not sync'ing the latest data from the MAC. What would you suggest I try please?


  • Hi @Pod66,

    I'm sorry to hear this isn't working for you. Let's try to get this sorted out.

    The first thing we should check, just to make sure that we've covered our bases... is just that both devices are signed into the same AppleID. It sounds like you had sync working before, so I would assume that this is the case. But let's just make sure.

    Next... so you disconnected iCloud sync on both devices, then from the Mac you deleted iCloud data, correct? Then you reconnected the Mac to iCloud, then connected the iOS devices?

    Did you erase the data in the iOS apps before reconnecting them to iCloud? This shouldn't be needed, but if you did we'd be more easily able to tell if it downloaded anything successfully.

    iCloud sync relies on Apple's Push Notifications to tell iOS and Macs about changes done within iCloud. I've seen some cases where the Push notifications took a long time, and in some cases no push notifications were sent at all. It'd be worth forcing a sync to see if changes get synced up that way. On iOS there's a "Sync Now" button under Settings > Sync. On the Mac the only way to force a sync is by locking and unlocking the vault.

    If after all of this you still aren't getting updates across, I think our next step is to get more info from the apps themselves. To do this we'll need to get Diagnostic Reports from the Mac and from one of the iOS devices that isn't getting changes. You can do this by following the instructions on this page. Email those to support+forums@agilebits.com, and include a link to this forum thread so that we can connect the dots. You should get back an auto-response email that has a Ticket ID for the email. Feel free to post that to the forum here so that we can more easily reference the two.

    From there we should have a pretty good idea of what's going on, or at the very least what to try next.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


  • Pod66
    Community Member

    Hello Rick
    I checked and somehow the AppleID on my Mac had changed from the address I have on the iOS devices so when I set this to the original Apple ID the iCloud sync worked again across the MAC and iOS devices (phone and iPad). Thank you and apologies for the delayed response.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Those damn Apple IDs :wink:

    Glad to hear you sorted it out @Pod66 and here's to happy syncing going forward.

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