Dropbox sync between v3.8.22 (Mac), v5.2.1 (iOS), v5.1 (Mac App Store)

Community Member

The first two devices have always synced great. I'm about to add a new Mac to the house and pick up the MAS store version for it. I'm just concerned about the sync between the older Mac on v3 and the newer one that'll be on v5. Is there any reason to expect this won't work as expected? The data 1Password syncs with via Dropbox will work in all the versions I'm using, right?


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @portlandian,

    You're absolutely right - Dropbox sync should work just fine between those versions. On your new Mac, you'll probably want to install Dropbox before setting up 1Password, so it has time to download your files from dropbox.com to the new Mac. Once Dropbox is ready to go, simply install/set up 1Password on the new Mac, choose "I've used 1Password before" when prompted, and choose the option to sync your vault from Dropbox.

    It should be pretty easy, but we'll be glad to help if you run into any trouble or have questions. :)

  • portlandian
    Community Member

    Oh, great. Thanks for the startup tip too. I think I got it from here.

  • AGMarshall
    1Password Alumni

    @portlandian Glad that Drew could help you out. Please give us a shout if we can be of further assistance.

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