Feature Request
I searched FAQs and couldn't find a way to do this. It turns out that the Win version has to work the way I want the Mac version to work- I know others wish the opposite. Understandably causes issues. However... On my Mac 1PW vs 5 I have created two vaults. The primary should open when I login (it does). Currently, I can move from the primary to the second vault without entering a password. I share my primary with someone. I want to keep my secondary vault private/password protected so that I am the only one who can access it from the primary. I do not care if I have to re-log into the primary if that needs to be, but the 2nd vault should be protected by its own password that I MUST use to access it. If you could set it in preferences to toggle between private or joint access that would be even better.
1PW is great! I moved to it in version 3 and have it on all computers I have Admin privileges on.
Thank you for your consideration.
I realize this isn't an answer to your request for a new feature, but I thought it might be worth adding that you can accomplish what you wish if you switch your primary and secondary vaults. You can open the secondary vault alone with its own password, without allowing access to the primary vault. The reverse isn't true, as you correctly note. Opening the primary vault always opens all of the secondary vaults too. This is because the keys to the secondary vaults are stored in the primary vault.
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Hi @mmenia,
As you already know, unlocking your Primary vault in 1Password for Mac will automatically unlock all secondary vaults as well. Each vault still has its own master password, but you wouldn't need to enter than unless you switch to a secondary vault before unlocking it. Currently, the Windows version of 1Password works differently because it doesn't have the concept of "Primary" or "secondary" vaults, so each time you switch from one vault to another, you'll need to enter the master password for that specific vault. Some users prefer the way it works in the Mac version, and some prefer the way it works in the Windows version. Right now there's no setting to change the way it works in either version, although it's something other customers have also requested.
Now, you mentioned you share your Primary vault with someone. That person doesn't have access to your secondary vault on their own computer, and even if they got a copy of your secondary vault's data file, they wouldn't be able to add it to 1Password on their computer without knowing that vault's own master password. However, I'm guessing your concern is that they could view your secondary vault if they had access to your Mac, because they'd be able to unlock the Primary vault?
If so, I should probably mention that this is one of the reasons we recommend sharing secondary vaults instead of a Primary vault. But that actually ties into hawkmoth's excellent suggestion of swapping your Primary and secondary vaults on your Mac. If you did that, your current Primary/shared vault would become your secondary/shared vault, which you would still be sharing with that other person. Your current secondary/private vault would become your Primary/private vault, and there's no way that other person would be able to access it without knowing your master password.
It takes a little work to swap the vaults, but if you'd like to do that, please let us know and we can help you. Essentially, you would make sure each vault is syncing with Dropbox (or Folder sync), then reset 1Password, then set it up again with the vaults in the order you want them. We'll give some more specific steps if you'd like, just let us know. Thanks! :)
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Thank you for the suggestions. I will take it under consideration.
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The request for individual locking of vaults is one we're considering though as you're not the first to ask. I've added your vote to the request regardless of what decision you intend to make for the present. It would be a little bit of a pain swapping them over but it does sound like it's what you actually want in terms of sharing and it would be a one-off task. Let us know if you need any help with it @mmenia.
ref: OPM-2053